PLANET SG-1000 User Manual

Page 123

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Define the required fields of Content Blocking

URL String:
„ The domain name that restricts to enter or only allow entering.

Popup Blocking:
„ Prevent the pop-up Web UI appearing

ActiveX Blocking:
„ Prevent ActiveX packets

Java Blocking:
„ Prevent Java packets

Cookies Blocking:
„ Prevent Cookies packets

eDonkey Blocking:
„ Prevent users to deliver files by eDonkey and eMule

BitTorrent Blocking:
„ Prevent users to deliver files by BitTorrent

„ Prevent users to deliver files by WinMX

IM Blocking:
„ Prevent users to login MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, ICQ, QQ, and SKype

Audio and Video Types:
„ Prevent users to transfer sounds and video file by http