Horizontal, Trigger – RIGOL MSO/DS1000Z Series User Manual

Page 61

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MSO1000Z/DS1000Z Quick Guide



HORIZONTAL POSITION: modify the horizontal

position. The trigger point would move left or right relative to

the center of the screen when you turn the knob. During the

modification, waveforms of all the channels would move left or

right and the horizontal position message (e.g.

) at the upper-right corner of the screen

would change accordingly. Press down this knob to quickly

reset the horizontal position (or the delayed sweep position).

MENU: press this key to open the horizontal control menu

where you can turn on or off the delayed sweep function and

switch between different time base modes.

HORIZONTAL SCALE: modify the horizontal time base. Turn clockwise to

reduce the time base and turn counterclockwise to increase the time base. During

the modification, waveforms of all the channels will be displayed in expanded or

compressed mode and the time base message (e.g.

) at the upper side of

the screen would change accordingly. Press down this knob to quickly switch to

delayed sweep state.


MODE: press this key to switch the trigger mode to Auto,

Normal or Single and the corresponding state backlight of

the current trigger mode would be illuminated.

TRIGGER LEVEL: modify the trigger level. Turn clockwise

to increase the level and turn counterclockwise to reduce the

level. During the modification, the trigger level line would

move up and down and the value in the trigger level message

box (e.g.

) at the lower-left corner of the

screen would change accordingly. Press down the knob to

quickly reset the trigger level to zero point.

MENU: press this key to open the trigger operation menu.

This oscilloscope provides various trigger types; for the details,

please refer to the introduction in

MSO1000Z/DS1000Z User's


FORCE: press this key to generate a trigger signal forcibly.