Choose duct test type, Enter the target test pressure, Enter date the test was carried out – Retrotec DucTester 341 User Manual
Page 48: Conditioned floor area, Air handler flow, 3 choose duct test type, 4 enter the target test pressure, 5 enter date the test was carried out

Page 48 of 83
©Retrotec Inc. 2014
“Leakage Area”: square centimeters, or cm
Choose Duct Test type
Click to select the type of test you are performing: a Total Duct Leakage test or a Duct Leakage to
Outdoors test.
The differences between a Total Duct Leakage test and a Duct Leakage to Outdoors test are described in
section Error! Reference source not found.. For the setup of these tests, refer to the illustrations and
escriptions in section 8.
Enter the Target test pressure
Use the dropdown menu to select the pressure at which the duct system was tested, and the pressure
at which the results will be displayed.
Codes or programs usually require this pressure to be 25 Pa, however it may be 50 Pa. See section 2 for
these requirements.
Enter date the test was carried out
Enter the test date in the format of YYYY-MM-DD, where YYYY is the year displayed in four digits, MM is
the month displayed in two digits, and DD is the day displayed in two digits.
Enter specific parameters for the conditions of this test
Conditioned Floor Area
The Conditioned Floor Area is the area that is normally air-conditioned or heated (i.e., inside the building
envelope). Even though supply ducts may not discharge directly into all these spaces, they are
considered “conditioned” if their temperature follows indoor temperature closer than outdoor
temperature. Likewise, if the area is not air-conditioned or heated, it is not considered to be part of the
Conditioned Floor Area.
The area entered is used to calculate the result for “Flow/Area” that will be displayed on the report. The
Duct Leakage Test Report calls this result the “Leakage/Conditioned Floor Area”.
Air Handler Flow