Pass fail for u.s. tests – Retrotec Commercial 441 and 451 DucTester User Manual
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©Retrotec Inc. 2015
U.S. Measurement Procedure for Leakage Factor or Leakage Class
Test Technician _________________________________________________________ Test Date _____________
Test Location _________________________________________________________
Follow the color Model 441/451 Quick Guide that comes with your system. Print out these four pages
to direct your test. Use this Test Form if Leakage Factor is the pass/fail criteria for the test. If not, use
“Appendix X2 U.S. CFM at Test Pressure or % leakage”.
□ Check off each box to learn the procedure for your first test.
Pass Fail for U.S. tests
Leakage Factor in CFM/100 sq ft at a specified Test Pressure is often the pass/fail criteria. Leakage
Factor is measured and read out directly on the DM32 Gauge.
This is common wording for the pass/fail criteria:
1. “If, at the specified test pressure, the Leakage Factor (F), by test, is lower than or equal to that
associated with the specified Leakage Class, the duct is in compliance. “
2. “If the Leakage Class (C
) determined from tests is lower than or equal to the specified leakage
class, the duct is in compliance.”
Follow Steps 1 to 7.
If you fail and the specifying Engineer wants a higher Test Pressure, measure the Leakage Class to convince the
Engineer that you have sufficient test flow but the ducts are too leaky to pass regardless of Test Pressure.