Rpbasic-52 programming guide – Remote Processing BASIC 52 User Manual
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BSAVE to ROM segmen t,ROM address,fro m RA M segm ent, RAM address, len gth
Where: ROM segment = 0 to 7, the 64K byte block to w rite to
ROM address = 0 to 65535, ad dress to write to
RAM segment = 0 to 7, a 64K byte block to read from
RAM a ddress = 0 to 65535, address to read from
length = 0 to 65535, nu mber of byte s to write
W r it es ra w bi na ry d at a t o f la sh E PR O M fr om R A M .
Comm and, run
RPC-320, RPC-330
BSA VE w rites a block of binary in formation to E PRO M from RAM . Use the PO KE com mands to w rite data
t o R A M .
BSAVE should be used sparingly. The flash EPROM has a limited number of write cycles
(1000) to each se ctor.
A length of 0 writes 65,536 bytes.
Lim ited pa rame ter che cking is perfo rmed . Basic assum es RA M ex ists at th e segm ent an d addr ess spe cified.
Basic checks to make sure the ROM segment specified is within limits of the installed EPROM , but addresses
and lengths are not checked.
BSAVE can write over programs saved using the SAVE command.
A segment can be though of as the X0000H address of the RAM or EPROM. When a segment of 1 and an
address of 4300H are used, the address equivalent to 14300H is used to access the device. When a 128K
RA M or E PRO M is u sed, segment is 0 or 1. A 512K RAM or EPROM can have a segment of 0 to 7. A 32K
device only has segment 0 a n d i t s a d d re s s i s li m i te d to 3 2 76 7 d ec i m a l, o r 7 F F F H .
A flash EPROM is written to in sectors. A sector is 64, 128, or 512 bytes for the 32K, 128K, or 512K
EPR OM respec tively. R PBA SIC a utom atical ly dete cts the type o f EPR OM installe d whe n it writ es to it.
You must pay attention to the sector size for two reasons. First, a sector is the minimum number of bytes
written. If a program requires only 35 by tes to be saved, 51 2 bytes are w ritten when a 5 12K EP ROM is
installed. If the following is performed
1000 BSAVE 6,5,1,1000H,35
2000 BSAVE 6,42,1,1025H,35
several things happen. The data saved by line 1000 is overwritten by the data in line 2000, even though
differe nt writ e addr esses were specif ied. Th is bring s us to th e seco nd rea son se ctor siz e is con sidere d.
RPB ASIC fo rces the requeste d EPR OM a ddress dow n to an even se ctor address. In both ca ses above, data is
written to the EPROM starting at address 0, not at 5 or 42.
The solution to this situation is to write data out in even sector size blocks and to write them on sector
A program is not required to write in full sector sizes. When less than 1 sector is specified, RPBASIC writes
the next data in RAM until the full sector size is reached. When a large number of bytes are written, covering