Rpbasic-52 programming guide – Remote Processing BASIC 52 User Manual
Page 163

Added code to support IEE centry series display (3602-100-05420)
I n cl u de s C O N F IG D I S P LA Y 4
Added P RINT #port
V1.14 03/28/96
Fixed bug in ON COU NT. Returns error for lines > 100
V1.15 06/26/96
PEEK $ could cause basic to lock up under right conditions.
V1.16 02/18/97
O N L IN E O FF c ou ld c au se p ro g ra m to lo c k u p i f r un n in g ON C O M .
Syntax error when DISPLAY used with IF-THEN-ELSE.
Added PEE KF and PO KEF com mands.
V1.17 04/16/97
Fixed keypad debounce. Speed up by about 1%.
V1.18 08/05/97
PRINT sends a CR LF seque nce seem ingly at random when printing from both ports a nd trying to print a
V1.19 12/01/98
A d d e d F R E Q a n d C O N F I G FR E Q .
V1.20 08/18/99
Pointer to baud ra te table not getting se t properly
V1.21 11/25/00
Added SPI in and out commands