Rpbasic-52 programming guide – Remote Processing BASIC 52 User Manual
Page 149

3030 oc = str(10,$(2),0,oc)
rem Force letter A to first spot. This is a space as set by format above
3040 asc($(2),1) = 65
rem output string as it is
3050 goto 1510
rem Command D
rem Send string to display
rem Command format: >xxDCheck station 2??
rem NOTE: Position is set by another command (exercise left to
the student)
rem Extract the string to display
3500 oc = str(0,$(1)) : rem get length
3510 oc = str(7,$(4),$(1),5,oc-6)
3520 display $(4)
3530 goto 1700
rem Set power up acknowledge flag (OFLAG)
4000 oflag = 1
4010 goto 1700
rem Command F
rem General status of card
rem Syntax: >xxF??
rem Returns An
rem Where n = code or codes of system. 0 = all ok
rem variable STATUS is global and indicates system status
4500 oc = str(10,$(2),0,status)
rem Force letter A to first spot. This is a space as set by format above
4510 asc($(2),1) = 65
rem optionally clear STATUS flag
4520 status = 0
rem output string as it is
4530 goto 1510
rem Emergency or safety shut down
rem Set lines as appropriate here
rem Do not return an acknowledge as message applies to all
rem cards on network
5000 rem shut down code here
5200 return