Chapter 2 setup and operation, Where to go from here – Remote Processing RPC-30 User Manual

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'Check VAT temperature

'Read the output from the RTD and
' calculate the temperature

2200 a = ain(0) :'Get temp

The first 3 comments downloaded to the RPC -30
would be ignored. Similarly, the empty lines between
comm ents are a lso ignored . L ine 2200, with its
comment, is a part of the program and could be listed.
The m ajor pena lty by wr iting a progr am this w ay is
increased download time.

NOTE: Some versions of PC SmartLINK may

optionally strip comments before downloading.
Check your m anual to see if this op tion is

Notice that you can w rite a progr am in lower case
characters. CA MBASIC translates them to upper case.

Some program mers put "N EW" as the first line in the
file. During debugging, it is common to insert
"temporary" lines. This ensures that these lines are
gone. Down loading time is increase d when the old
progr am is still pre sent.

If you like to write programs in separate modules, you
can download them separately. M odules are assigned
b lo c ks o f l in e nu m b er s . S ta r t u p co d e m i gh t b e fr o m 1
to 999. Interrupt handling (keypad, serial ports) might
be from lines 1000 to 1499. Display output might be
from 1500 to 2500. The program mer m ust determine
the number of lines required for each section.

W h e n r e p la c in g a p r o gr a m or s ec t io n , do w n lo a di ng ti m e
is increased. Blocks of line numbers cannot be
renumber ed by CAM BASIC when other par ts of the
program are installed. However , if a particular section
is the only program downloaded, then line renumbering
in that range is possible. Refer to the CAM BASIC
RENU M comm and.

CAM BASIC automatically formats a line for minimum
code space and increased readability. For example, you
could download the following line of code:

10 fora= 0to5

When you listed this line, it would appear as:

10 FOR A = 0 TO 5

Spaces are displayed but not stored. The following line:

10 for a = 0 to 5

would be compressed and displayed as in the second
example above. Spaces ar e removed.

The CAMBA SIC Programming Manual has information
about increasing pr ogram speed and editing options.

Instead of uploading and downloading programs, you can
save them to the on card EEP ROM . This is useful if you
are using a terminal to write program s. M ake sure the
' A U T O R U N ' j um p e r i s i ns ta l le d (S e e W R I T IN G A N D
SAVING P ROGRAM S). To prevent automatic program
execution on power up, inser t the STOP statement at the
beginning of the program (such as line 1). When you
power up the RP C-30, the progr am is tra nsferr ed into
RAM and executed. Delete the progr am line with the
STOP statement to normally start programs. When
saving programs, be sure to reenter the STOP statement
with its line number.


If you want to d o this:

Turn to


Save a program


Run a program at power up or reset


Know m ore abo ut serial por ts


Install a differ ent RAM mem ory chip


Using RAM to save variables


Configure digital I/O lines


Get switch status


Use high c urre nt outputs


Use on board opto rack


Connect an external opto rack


Lear n to use G5 m odule


Use the calendar/clock


Write to displays