Setup and operation chapter 2 – Remote Processing RPC-30 User Manual
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Figure 2-1 RPC-30 Connector Layout
The RPC-30 is ready to program as soon as you connect
it to a terminal or PC and apply power. T his chapter
describes what is needed to get a sign- on message and
begin programm ing.
R e qu ir e m e nt s f o r u p lo a di ng a nd d ow n lo a di ng p r og r a m s
is discussed. A "W here to go from here" section what
chapters to read in order to use the various capabilities
of the RPC-30. Finally, a troubleshooting section helps
out on the most com mon pro blems.
The RP C-30 is an industrially r ated prod uct, designed to
handle a wide variety of temperature ranges and
operating conditions. These characteristics require using
CM OS com ponents. CM OS is static sensitive . T o avoid
damaging these components, obser ve the following
precautions before handling the RPC-30.
Ground yourself before handling the RPC -30 or
plugging in cables. Static electricity
can easily arc through cables and to the card.
Simply touching your PC can gre atly reduce the
amount of static.
Do not insert or remove components when
power is applied. While the ca rd is a + 5 volt
only system, other voltages generated on the
card. Applying them in the wrong sequence can
destroy a compon ent.
You will need the following equipment to begin using the
RPC-30 embedded controller
PC with a serial port and communications program
(such as PC SmartLINK)
VTC -9F ser ial cable
+ 5, 3 00 ma po wer su pply
The CAMBA SIC Programming Manual is strongly
recomm ended. Refer to Chapter 4 Se rial Ports for
wiring information to make your own cable.