Chapter 1 overview – Remote Processing RPC-30 User Manual

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Figure 1-1 System layout

< xxx> Paired angle brackets are used to indicate a

specific key o n your ke yboard . F or exam ple
< esc> means the escape key.

BASIC uses the decimal convention for designating
addresses and data. There are times, however, when
hexadecimal notation is more convenient to use. The
hexadecimal notation used in this manual and by
CAM BASIC is the ampersand charac ter (&) before the
numbe r. A &8C stands for 8 C hexa decima l.


If you have a question about the RPC-30 or CAM BASIC
used on it and can' t find it in this manual, call us and ask
for techn ical suppor t.

When you call, please have your RPC-30 and
CAM BASIC manuals ready. Sometim es it is helpful to
know w hat the RP C-30 is use d for, so please be r eady to
d e sc r ib e it s a p pl ic a ti on a s w e ll as th e pr o b le m .

Phone: 303-690-1588
