Chapter 2 setup and operation – Remote Processing RPC-150 User Manual
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Press < F2> to return to the immediate mode.
NOTE: Some ve rsions of P C Sm artLI NK hav e pull
down menus or will operate differently. Refer
to the SmartLINK m anual for the version you
are using.
D o w nl oa d in g pr o gr a m s
To practice downloading a program , type
< return>
Perform the following when using PC SmartLINK:
Press the < F1> key to view the main menu.
Smar tLINK has a buffer which is used to
temporarily store the program. If you followed
these instructions without exiting SmartLINK, the
previously uploaded program is in the buffer and
may be dow nloaded. Howeve r, lets assume you just
started SmartLIN K. P ress the L key to get the
program from the disk.
Enter the filename to get the file.
P r e ss D to d ow n lo a d t he p r og r a m .
Press the < F2> key to return to the program. You
can list the program by typing:
Other communications software
The following is general information when using another
terminal emulation program (Procomm, Windows
Term inal, etc.).
When uploading or downloading files, select ASCII text
format. XMODEM, YMODEM, or other formats are
not used.
CAM BASIC does not know when you are typing in a
progr am or if something else (laptop or mainfr ame) is
sending it char acters. The uploa d and dow nload file
does not conta in any special c ontrol cod es, it is sim ply
ASCII cha racters.
Uploading programs is simply a process of receiving an
ASCII file. Y ou or your progr am simply needs to send
"LIST " to receive the entire program . The default baud
rate (19200) is rather high. M ake sure your PC and
comm unications software ca n work at these bau d rates.
PRO COM M w as tested on a 12 Mhz 2 86 PC and it
worked fine. Windows Term inal on the same PC had
problems at m uch slower ba ud rates.
Downloading a program requires transmitting an ASCII
file. CAMBASIC is an incremental line compiler. As
you type in (or download) a line, CAMBASIC com piles
that line. The tim e to comp ile a line depend s upon its
complexity and how many line of code have been
CAM BASIC must finish compiling a line before starting
the next one. When a line is compiled, a "> " character
is sent by the card. This should be your terminal
program s pacing character when downloading a
p r o gr a m .
If your communications program cannot look for a
pacing prompt, set it to delay transmission after each line
is sent. A 100 ms delay is usually adequate, but your
CAM BASIC progr am may be long and complex and
requir e mor e time. A resu lt of a short de lay time is
missing or gar bled progra m lines.
CAM BASIC sends out escape sequences to clear the
screen. T his sequence may appear as < -; on your
s c re e n. U s u al ly th is is n ot a p r o bl e m.
COM 1 on the RPC-150 does not recognize the CT S or
RTS lines. T he CTS line is NOT pulled high on the
RPC -150. The effe ct of not rec ognizing these lines is
your PC or terminal cannot hold off the RPC-150' s
transmission. C onverse, the RP C-150 cannot hold off
the host from sending it data. Set your terminal program
to not recognize or use the CTS a nd RTS lines.
Editing programs and program ming hints
Files uploaded or downloaded are simply ASCII DOS
text files. No special characters or control codes are
used. You m ay create and edit programs using your
favorite word processor or editor. Just be sure to save
files in DO S text form at.
A technique used to further program documentation and
reduce code space is the use of comments in a