Chapter 3 saving programs – Remote Processing RPC-150 User Manual

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especially tr ue if the pro gram has been co nfigured to
ignore the < ESC> key.

To prevent autorun, remove jumper W1[17-18].

L a te r , i f y o u w i sh to S AV E o r L OA D a pr o g ra m ,
reinstall this jumper. You may do so even if the power
is on and a program is running. Remember to discharge
any static electricity before installing or removing the


Ther e are tim es when y ou may w ish to tempor arily
m o d if y or o th e r wi se te s t o u t a c ha n ge to a pr o g ra m .
Since the program is loaded into RAM, modifications
can be made without affecting the program in EPROM.
If you find out tha t modification s are not de sirable or did
not work, you can restore the original program to RAM
using the LOAD com mand.

To modify a progr am before running it on power up,
remove jumper W1[17-18] first. P ower up or r eset the
card. Re-install jumper W1[17-18]. Type


. You

can now list the program and otherwise m ake


Additional data, such as strings and constants, can be
saved to the E PRO M in U 3. A n externa l progr amm er is
used to save data to the EPROM. Data cannot be saved
t o U 3 th r o ug h C AM B A SI C .

Data is saved at the top of the EPROM m emory. The
upper 2K bytes are always available as RAM memory
size absolutely limits the program to 30K.

If you need more than 2K bytes of data, you can save
data "on top" of the CA MBASIC program in U 3. A
good way to determ ine how m uch mem ory is ava ilable is
to perform a P RINT SY S(0) in the immediate mode
(program not r unning). Subtracting 31900 from the
numbe r of bytes r eturned will tell you the app roxim ate
number of bytes available for data.

The best way to make sure your data will not write over
the progra m is to perfor m the following steps:

First, put a remark statement that you can recognize.
One is " end of pr ogram ". Next, save your progr am to
the EPROM using the CAMBASIC SAVE com mand.

Remove the EPROM and read it from your EPROM
program mer. Using your program mer, go into the mode
where you can examine data. Look for the remark
statement at the end of the program. Instruct the
programmer to put your data starting at the next even
page boundary (for example 5000H , 5100H , and so on).