RISCO Group Cube Indoor RVCM11H User Manual
Page 20
2. Navigate to the Advanced Setup > Port Forwarding/Port Triggering. The
Port Forwarding page is displayed.
Figure 21 Port Forwarding page (empty)
NOTE: This is the section in the router where we will specify which local IP
address belongs to which external port number. Make sure that “Port
forwarding” is enabled for each IP address.
3. For the first camera enter the settings as shown in the screenshot below.
Remember to use the same local IP address and external port numbers as
was set in the camera settings in Step 2.
Figure 22 Port Forwarding page (populated)
NOTE: For HTTP, RTSP and HTTPs Port settings use the TCP Protocol option.
4. Click Apply/Save Settings to save the changes.
5. Reboot the camera by unplugging and reconnecting the camera to the
power supply.
6. Repeat the above steps for each camera using the same local IP address
and external port numbers as was set in the camera settings.