RISCO Group WL S50 User Manual

Page 7

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Wireless Sounder Instructions


Step 2: Setting the Sounder Parameters
Each sounder can be defined with different sets of parameters. The table below
describes the list of parameters of the sounder.


For the specific programming location of each parameter refer to the system manuals.

Strobe Control

Defines the Strobe operation mode:


Always Off:

The strobe is deactivated


Follow Bell (Default):

The strobe is activated when the sounder bell is



Follow Alarm:

The strobe is activated when an alarm event occurs in the


Strobe Blink

Defines the number of times that the strobe will flash per minute (Default 40 times per
minute). Strobe

Blink options:

[1] 20 times per minute

[4] 50 times per minute

[2] 30 times per minute

[5] 60 times per minute

[3] 40 times per minute (Default)

Strobe Arm Squawk


time that strobe blinking will continue when set is performed (Default: 05)


If the sounder’s squawk strobe is defined as NO (Refer to Allocation section) this parameter will be ignored.

Adjusting the Volume

Defines the sounder sound volume for the following system modes:


Exit / Entry: The sound produced during Exit/Entry time (Default: 0)


Alarm: The sound produced during alarm (Default: 9)


Squawk: The sound produced during squawk sounds (Default: 9)

The sound volume range is between 0 (silent) to 9 (maximum volume).

Muting Tamper

This feature disables a tamper alarm from the sounder and it is recommended to be
used when replacing the sounder's batteries.


1. An ongoing tamper alarm will not be disabled.
2. WisDom: This feature is controlled under the Engineer Menu (Quick key [9][2][5]). Tamper alarm

will be disabled during the current installation programming period.

3. Agility: This feature is controlled under the Grand Master menu. Tamper alarm will be disabled for

20 minutes.