RISCO Group iWISE RK800Q0B2 User Manual

Page 2

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RISCO Group and its subsidiaries and affiliates ("Seller") warrants its
products to be free from defects in materials and workmanship under
normal use for 24 months from the date of production. Because
Seller does not install or connect the product and because the
product may be used in conjunction with products not manufactured
by the Seller, Seller cannot guarantee the performance of the
security system which uses this product. Seller's obligation and
liability under this warranty is expressly limited to repairing and
replacing, at Seller's option, within a reasonable time after the date of
delivery, any product not meeting the specifications. Seller makes no
other warranty, expressed or implied, and makes no warranty of
merchantability or of fitness for any particular purpose.
In no case shall seller be liable for any consequential or incidental
damages for breach of this or any other warranty, expressed or
implied, or upon any other basis of liability whatsoever.
Seller's obligation under this warranty shall not include any
transportation charges or costs of installation or any liability for direct,
indirect, or consequential damages or delay.
Seller does not represent that its product may not be compromised or
circumvented; that the product will prevent any personal injury or
property loss by burglary, robbery, fire or otherwise; or that the
product will in all cases provide adequate warning or protection.
Buyer understands that a properly installed and maintained alarm
may only reduce the risk of burglary, robbery or fire without warning,
but is not insurance or a guaranty that such event will not occur or
that there will be no personal injury or property loss as a result
Consequently seller shall have no liability for any personal injury,
property damage or loss based on a claim that the product fails to
give warning. However, if seller is held liable, whether directly or
indirectly, for any loss or damage arising under this limited warranty
or otherwise, regardless of cause or origin, seller's maximum liability
shall not exceed the purchase price of the product, which shall be
complete and exclusive remedy against seller.
No employee or representative of Seller is authorized to change this
warranty in any way or grant any other warranty.

WARNING: This product should be tested at least once a week.

Contacting RISCO Group

RISCO Group is committed to customer service and product support.
You can contact us through our website or as

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All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced in
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RISCO Group 01/2013 5IN1242 B

Programmation ProSYS (Ver 7.xx et supérieure) :

1. Ajouter/Supprimer un détecteur iWISE BUS

Menu Installateur > [7] Accessoires > [1] Ajout/Suppression Module > [9] Plus...

> [5] BUS Zones

Sélectionner l’ID (comme défini par les Dip switches) et définir le type sur



Assigner le détecteur iWISE BUS à une zone

Menu Installateur > [2] Programmation Zones > [1] Une par Une > Sélectionner

la zone

Dans la section Nature, sélectionner > [5] Zone-BUS

Sélectionner le numéro ID de zone BUS à assigner à la zone programmée


Programmer l’entrée zone supplémentaire de l’iWISE BUS

Menu Installateur > [2] Programmation Zones > [1] Une par Une > Sélectionner

la zone

Dans la section Nature, sélectionner de l’option [07] à l’option [11]

Valider par [#]. Sélectionner la zone BUS pour laquelle l’entrée zone

supplémentaire est paramétrée.


Configurer les paramètres du détecteur iWISE BUS (voir tableau)

Menu Installateur > [2] Programmation Zones > [0] Divers > [3] BUS-Zone





Définit le mode de fonctionnement des LEDs.


Définit la sensibilité du détecteur (canaux IRP)

Self Test
(Auto Test)

Utilisé pour tester les technologies de détection. Si le test
échoue, un Défaut Auto-test est créé.

Programação da ProSYS (Ver 7.xx ou posterior):


Adicionar/Apagar um detector iWISE BUS

Menu do instalador [7] Acessórios > [1] Adicionar / Apagar módulo > [9] Mais..

> [5] Zonas de BUS

Selecionar ID (como definido nos Dipswitches) e definir como o tipo iQDG2


B: Alocar o iWISE BUS à uma zona

Menu do Instalador [2] Zonas > [1] Uma a Uma > Selecionar Zona

No menu de Terminação selecione > [5] Zona de BUS

Selecione o número da zona de BUS para alocar a zona programada


Programação da entrada de zona do IWISE BUS

Menu do instalador [2] Zonas > [1] Uma a uma > Selecionar Zona

No menu de terminação escolha uma das opções de [07] até [11]

Apertar [#]. Escolher a zona de BUS que a entrada de zona pertence.


Configurar os parâmetros do detector iWISE BUS (Veja tabela)

Selecionar o menu do instalador [2] Zonas > [0] Diversos > [3] Parâmetros de

Zonas de BUS




Define o modo de operação dos LED´s


Define qual é o nível de sensibilidade do canal de
Infravermelho Passivo

Auto - Teste

Usado para testar as tecnologias de detecção.

ProSYS Programming (Ver 7.xx and above):

1. Add/delete an iWISE BUS detector

Installer menu [7] Accessories / Install > [1] Add Delete Module > [9] More.. >

[5] BUS Zone

Select ID (as defined by the Dip switches) and define type as iQDG2

2. Assign the iWISE BUS detector to a Zone

Installer menu [2] Zones > [1] One by One > Select Zone

Under Termination select > [5] BUS Zone

Select the BUS zone number to assign to the programmed zone

3. Program the zone input on the IWISE BUS

Installer menu [2] Zones > [1] One by One > Select Zone

Under Termination select from options [07] to [11]

Press [#]. Select the BUS zone that the input zone belongs to.

4. Configure the iWISE BUS detector parameters (see table below)

Installer menu select [2] Zones > [0] Miscellaneous > [3] BUS Zone Parameters




Determines the operation of the detector’s LEDs.


Defines the sensitivity of the detector (PIR)

Self Test

Used to test the detection technologies. In the event of a
failed test, a Self Test Trouble is created.

Programmazione ProSYS (Versione 7.xx e successive):


Aggiungi/cancella un rivelatore BUS iWISE

Menù Tecnico [7] Accessori > [1] Agg./Canc.Modulo > [9] Continua.. > [5] Zone


Selezionare il numero ID (come impostato dai microinterrutori) e definire il tipo

come iQDG2


Assegnazione del rivelatore BUS iWISE ad una Zona

Menù Tecnico [2] Zone > [1] Una per Una > Selezionare il numero di zona

Raggiunta l’opzione Terminazione selezionare > [6] Zona BUS

Selezionare il numero ID della zona BUS da assegnare alla zona che si sta



Programmazione dell’ingresso di zona aggiuntivo sul rivelatore BUS

Menù Tecnico [2] Zone > [1] Una per Una > Selezionare il numero di zona

Raggiunta l’opzione Terminazione selezionare una delle opzioni da [07] a [11]

Premere [#]. Selezionare il numero ID della zona BUS che fa riferimento

all’ingresso di zona che si sta programmando.


Configurazione dei parametri del rivelatore BUS iWISE (vedi tabella)

Menù Tecnico selezionare [2] Zone > [0] Varie > [3] Parametri Zone BUS




Determina il modo di funzionamento dei LED


Determina la sensibilità dei sensori PIR


Utilizzata per testare le tecnologie di rilevazione. Nel
caso il test non vada a buon fine, verrà registrato in
centrale un evento di Auto test fallito.


Añadir/Borrar un detector iWISE BUS

Menú Instalador > [7] Accesorios > [1] Agregar/Borrar Módulo > [9] Más... > [5]

Zonas BUS

Seleccione el ID (según se haya definido con los microinterruptores DIP) y

defina el tipo como iQDG2


Asignar el detector iWISE BUS a una Zona

Menú Instalador > [2] Zonas > [1] Una a Una > Seleccione la Zona

En el apartado Terminación, seleccione la opción [05] Zona BUS

Seleccione el ID del detector BUS que se va a asignar a la zona programada


Programar la entrada de zona adicional del IWISE BUS

Menú Instalador > [2] Zonas > [1] Una a Una > Seleccione la Zona

En el apartado Terminación, seleccione una de las opciones de la [07] a la [11]

Presione [#]. Seleccione el ID del detector BUS al que pertenece la entrada de



Configuración de los parámetros del detector iWISE BUS (ver tabla)

Menú Instalador > [2] Zonas > [0] Varios > [3] Parámetros Zona BUS




Define el modo de funcionamiento de los LEDs


Define la sensibilidad de los sensores PIR


Utilizado para probar las tecnologías de detección.
Cuando un test falle, se generará un Problema de Fallo
de Auto Test.

Prova de Moviento

Prueba de detección

Test de marche

Walk Test

Test Sensore