EAW D S A 2 3 0 User Manual

Page 15

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The required signal processing, accomplished by DSP (digital signal
processing), involves parametric equalization, signal delay, frequency
filtering, gain, and limiting. These parameters are individually adjusted by
the DSAPilot for each transducer in each loudspeaker. The available DSP
resources provide a broad range of possible coverage patterns and SPL
control over distance as well as the “voicing” required for exceptional
music reproduction.

The DSA allows multiple loudspeakers to be arrayed as a cluster at a single
location. This allows a greater range of beamwidths, SPL, pattern control,
and low frequency output than a single DSA loudspeaker can provide. The
DSAPilot treats the cluster as if it were a single loudspeaker, precluding the
complexities normally associated with designing clusters.

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D S A P i l o t

The DSAPilot, used to set the loudspeaker signal processing parameters, is
based on software originally developed by EAW engineers for the KF750,
KF760, and, in particular, the KF900 Series products. These products
require precise but variable pattern control and a high degree of fidelity for
speech and music in projects that range from small houses of worship to
the newest super-stadiums. Sophisticated mathematical algorithms were
developed to determine the necessary adjustments to achieve these results
for both multiple transducers and multiple loudspeaker clusters. This math
was incorporated into highly user-friendly software. Thoroughly tested and
refined in successful, real-world applications, these techniques have been
applied to the DSA Series to achieve the same high degree of pattern
control, musicality, and ease of setup.

Though highly complex, the DSAPilot’s mathematics work behind the
scenes. Because of this, the DSAPilot makes adjusting the signal processing
deceptively simple. In fact, no acoustical knowledge is required to set up
and adjust one or multiple DSA Series loudspeakers. The only information
needed for the DSAPilot to perform its magic is the physical layout of the
listening area, loudspeaker mounting location, and desired coverage area.

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L o w F r e q u e n c y P e r f o r m a n c e

While the DSA250 is designed as a full-range loudspeaker, addition of the
companion DSA230 increases directionality, and output at lower frequencies.
DSA230s extend directional control to lower frequencies using classical line
array theory by extending the length of the overall array. This is done by
mounting the DSA230 directly below or above a DSA250 to form a longer line
of low frequency transducers. In addition, the increased number of low
frequency transducers couple to increase the low frequency output capability.

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C o m p a r i s o n t o Tr a d i t i o n a l P r o d u c t s

A major benefit of the DSA Series is achieving desired down angle coverage
from a line source that is mounted flat to a vertical surface. The inclusion
of power amplifiers and dedicated signal processing to each transducer
provide the DSA Series with performance and capabilities well beyond
those of typical multi-way loudspeakers and traditional, voice-range line
arrays. The DSA Series can provide much better directional control, higher
output, and wider frequency response at less cost. Significantly smaller
sizes and weights, plus straightforward mounting and wiring options pay


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