Sealey SGA1 User Manual
Sealey Hardware

InstructIons for:
Gas weldinG/cuttinG kit
Model no:
thank you for purchasing a sealey product. Manufactured to a high standard this product will, if used according to these instructions and properly maintained,
give you years of trouble free performance.
1. saFetY instRuctiOns
IMPORTANT: Please Read tHese instRuctiOns caReFullY. nOte tHe saFe OPeRatiOnal ReQuiReMents, waRninGs and cautiOns. use tHe
PROduct cORRectlY and witH caRe FOR tHe PuRPOse FOR wHicH it is intended. FailuRe tO dO sO MaY cause daMaGe and/OR PeRsOnal inJuRY
and will invalidate tHe waRRantY. Please keeP instRuctiOns saFe FOR FutuRe use.
1) torch Handle
2) Hose check Valve, oxygen (normal r.H. thread)
3) Hose check Valve, Acetylene (reverse l.H. thread)
4) cutting Attachment
5) cutting nozzle 1/32”
6) cutting nozzle 3/64”
7) cutting nozzle 1/16”
8) nozzle cleaning tools
9) Mixer nozzle
10) Welding nozzles no. 2, no. 5, no. 10
11) spark lighter
12) regulator oxygen twin gauge single stage (Blue code)
13) flash Arrestor oxygen (Blue code)
14) regulator Acetylene twin gauge single stage (red code)
15) flash Arrestor Acetylene (red code)
16) Hoses, 2, 3/8” x 1.5mtr, complete with fittings
(these are stored in the lid, not shown here)
Always have a fire extinguisher nearby.
never use oxygen or fuel gas to blow soot or dirt from your clothes.
dO nOt wear ragged clothes, as sparks can ignite the ragged or
loose ends.
Always wear goggles or a helmet with the appropriate shade lens.
dO nOt use shaded safety spectacles or unshaded face shield
visors for cutting or welding. they
dO nOt stop the harmful rays
which cause eye damage.
use gauntlet type gloves made from heat resistant material.
secure cylinders to a trolley, wall or post to prevent them from falling.
All cylinders should be used and stored in an upright position.
never drop or strike a cylinder.
dO nOt use cylinders that have
been dented.
cylinder caps should be used when storing or moving cylinders.
empty cylinders should be kept in specified areas and clearly
never use oil or grease on any inlet connections, outlet connections
or cylinder valves.
examine hoses for cuts, burns or worn areas before each use.
Also inspect fittings for damage. If any damage is found, replace
dO nOt repair hose with tape.
Always use reverse flow check valves on torch and flashback
arrestors on the regulator. this greatly reduces the possibility of
mixing gases in the regulator or hoses. reverse flow check
valves are an important safety precaution.
Working pressure on the acetylene regulator should
neveR be
set above 15psi (1bar).
Keep all threads and unions clean and free from oil, dirt or grease.
never apply oil or grease to any thread.
these instructions cover the use of the kit on mild steel. if
used on any other materials, extra precautions will have to
be taken.
Make sure that there is a good flow of air to the user and the tip, at all
times. use a welding fume extractor if conditions are poor or space is
never leave the gun alight and unattended.
for safety advice regarding gas bottles (oxygen and acetylene)
refer to the supplier of the bottles.
Make sure bottle keys are in place at all times so that in the event
of an emergency the valves can be turned off quickly.
Keep hoses away from flame at all times. Make sure that hoses
are laid flat where possible and not in a position where they can be
run over by vehicles, which would result in permanent damage.
leakinG HOses can kill. leak test all connections and
valves prior to each use of the equipment.
If hoses are not long enough, join them together with the
manufacturer’s couplings only.
dO nOt join damaged hoses, they must be replaced immediately.
remember at all times
Blue = oxygen ‘o’
Red = Acetylene ‘A’
At no time may you interchange parts contained in this kit with those
of other manufacturers.
only sealey replacement items should be used.
Acetylene fittings have a left-handed thread and notches on hose
unions to indicate this.
the regulators in this kit have no user-serviceable parts. All
repairs/calibrations must only be undertaken by a BcgA
approved service agent.
2. cOntents
© Jack sealey limited
Original Language Version
sgA1.V3 Issue: 1 - 27/09/13