Sealey SMS2001M User Manual
Manual drill bit sharpener, Sms2001m, Instructions for

Thankyou for purchasing this Sealey product. Manufactured to a high standard this product will, if used according to these instructions and
properly maintained, give you years of trouble free performance.
Important: Read these instRuctions caRefully. note the safe oPeRational ReQuiReMents, WaRninGs and cautions.
use this tool coRRectly and With caRe foR the PuRPose foR Which it is intended. failuRe to do so May cause daMaGe
oR PeRsonal injuRy and Will invalidate the WaRRanty. Retain these instRuctions foR futuRe use.
2. intRoduction
1. safety instRuctions
4. oPeRation
Manual dRill Bit shaRPeneR
WaRninG! Ensure Health and Safety, local authority and
general workshop practice regulations are adhered to when
using tools.
Observe standard workshop safety procedures.
WaRninG! Take extreme caution when using this tool, the
drill will require supporting, leaving the user with hands free
to sharpen the bit.
Wear approved eye protection and footwear. A range of
personal safety equipment is available from your Sealey
do not use this tool for any purpose other than that for
which it has been designed.
do not use to sharpen masonry drills.
do not use adaptor sleeve if damaged.
Maintain tool in good and clean condition for best and
safest performance.
iMPoRtant: These instructions are provided as a
guide only. There is more than one way to set up safely.
When not in use, clean and store complete.
Fast, simple and effective way to sharpen drill bits. Suitable for use
with HSS, Titanium, Cobalt and Carbon Steel drill bits. Easily adapts
to a drill with a standard 43mm diameter collar shoulder.
The sharpener is not to be used in the "Hammer" function.
notE: It is our policy to continually improve products and as such we reserve the right to alter data, specifications and component parts without prior notice.
iMPoRtant: No liability is accepted for incorrect use of this product.
WaRRanty: Guarantee is 12 months from purchase date, except for grinding stone, proof of purchase date will be required for any claim.
infoRMation: For a copy of our latest catalogue and promotions call us on 01284 757525 and leave your full name and address, including postcode.
sole uK distributor, sealey Group,
Kempson Way, Suffolk Business Park
Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk,
IP32 7AR
01284 757500
01284 703534
Original Language Version
SMS2001M Issue: 1 - 03/03/14
© Jack Sealey Limited
3. sPecification/contents
Drill bit size range: Ø3, 3.5, 4, 4.2, 4.5, 5, 5.5, 6, 6.5, 7, 7.5, 8, 8.5, 9,
9.5, 10mm.
Adaptor tube/Drill shoulder : Ø43
Item Description
Sharpener module
Adaptor tube c/w fixings
4.1 setting
4.1.1 Support the drill with axis vertical.
4.1.2 Close the jaws of the drill chuck fully to obtain maximum
4.1.3 Trial fit the sharpener three pronged internal coupling
on to the chuck jaws as shown in fig.2.
4.1.4 Fit the adaptor tube to both the drill shoulder and the
sharpener as shown in fig.1 with equal grip length.
4.1.5 Apply pressure to the sharpener, forcing the drill jaws to
engage firmly with the internal coupling. Clamp the tube with
the two cap screws (5mm hex).
4.1.6 Turn the "STONE" (fig.3) knob A.C.W. to the down position.
drill sharpening
4.2.1 Set the drill speed to fastest setting speed and turn on.
4.2.2 Offer the drill bit to be sharpened into the correct aperture.
4.2.3 Rotate the drill bit C.W. and A.C.W. whilst lowering on to the
flute location ledges. Resistance will be felt when reached.
4.2.4 Turn the "STONE" (fig.3) knob C.W. toward the up position
whilst rotating the drill C.W. and A.C.W. until the grinding
wheel engages with the bit. Observe the bit for ground tip.
4.2.5 Alternate drill bit flute to flute for even sharpening as
adjustments to "STONE" knob are made. Small adjustments
recommended when grinding. Turn off the drill between
Clearance required
5. tRouBleshootinG
Bit tip turning blue, grinding process is too aggresive. Cool bit
in water and reduce grinding depth.
Bit tip requires a large removal of material. Start grinding
process on a bench grinder, finish on sharpener.
Grinder not turning. Check drill jaws to sharpener coupling.
Not grinding on full adjustment. Replace worn grinding wheel
(20mm spanner), contact your Sealey dealer for spare. See
6.1 for access to grinding wheel.
6. cleaninG
Remove 2 screws, remove aperture cap, retain loose parts.
Clean sharpener internals with an air line (wear goggles).
Clean sharpener externals and adaptor tube with a damp cloth
and mild detergent.
do not use solvents.
environmental Protection. Recycle unwanted materials instead of
disposing of them as waste. All tools, accessories and packaging
should be sorted, taken to a recycle centre and disposed of in a
manner which is compatible with the environment.