Operation, Parts 3. content & installation, Fig.1 fig.2 fig.3 – Sealey SA206R User Manual

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4. oPerAtIoN


regulator - the output pressure is controlled by the knob. Before pressurising the air system for the

first time, pull out and rotate the knob anticlockwise to remove any loading on the regulator spring.

Pressurise the system and then rotate knob clockwise to set required output pressure, as shown on

gauge. When the required pressure is achieved push in knob to prevent inadvertent adjustment.

Note: for correct pressure setting always adjust up from a lower pressure. therefore to reset from

90 to 70psi for example, reduce pressure from 90 to 60psi and then increase to 70psi.


Filter - the bowl should be drained regularly to prevent an excessive build-up of water/oil. Pull down the

drain valve at the bottom of the bowl, allow to drain and then release. Drain valve has female 1/8” BsP

outlet. (sA206frAD and sA206fAD have Auto drain feature. When pressure in bowl drops, float valve

opens and drains condensation. Drain valve has male 1/8” BsP outlet).


lubricator - remove the filler plug (fig.2.A) and fill bowl up to max. level, with air tool oil. this

can be done with the air line pressurised. With air flowing through the lubricator the oil delivery rate

can be adjusted by screw

(fig.2.C) whilst watching the drip rate through the sight dome (fig.2.B).

the oil delivery rate will automatically increase or decrease in line with the air flow.


Both the filter and the lubricator are supplied with a metal bowl guard. to remove the guard, pull down

the latch

(fig.3.D) and rotate the guard until either of the two pairs of lines (fig.3.e) on the guard align

with the similar marks

(fig.3.F) on the head. the guard can now be removed.

to refit, slide the top of the guard into the head with the guard and head markings aligned, and then

rotate the guard so that the latch aligns with the marks on the head. the latch will lock into place.

5. PArtS

3. CoNteNt & INStAllAtIoN


confirm that all items are present and undamaged. If any parts are missing or damaged please contact the supplier.

SA206 - combined filter, regulator with gauge, lubricator and mounting bracket.

SA206Fr - combined filter, regulator with gauge and mounting bracket.

SA206F - filter.

SA206l - Lubricator.

SA206r - regulator with gauge and mounting bracket.

SA206FAD - filter with Auto Drain,

SA206FrAD - combined filter with auto drain, regulator with

gauge and mounting bracket.


fig.1 shows a typical air line installation. the filter is located

upstream of the regulator - unless combined, as in sA206

and sA206fr - and the lubricator downstream.

3.2.1. filter/regulator - Install using the mounting bracket provided.

Before connecting system piping ensure that gauge is visible,

unused gauge port is sealed with plug provided and that flow

direction arrow matches system air flow.

3.2.2. filter and Lubricator - Install into air piping or connect directly to bracket mounted regulator using fittings provided. Always check that

flow arrows are correct and that filter is upstream, and lubricator downstream, of regulator.

Note: to ensure air-tight joints, use PtfE tape.







SA206F SA206l SA206r


filter Bowl:

sA206.B sA206.B

sA206.B ---




Lubricator Bowl: sA206.B1 ---


sA206.B1 ---



regulator gauge: sA206.G sA206.G






Plastic ring:

sA206.Pr sA206.Pr ---


sA206.Pr ---


Wall Bracket:

sA206.WB sA206.WB1 ---


sA206.WB1 ---


sight Dome:

sA206.sD ---






retaining nut: sA206.rn ---






the following fittings are also available from your supplier:

1/2”BsP male - 1/2” BsP male connector


1/4”BsP male - 1/4”BsP male connector


1/2”BsP male - 1/4”BsP female reducer


3/8”BsP male - 1/4”BsP female reducer


1/2”BsP male - 3/8” BsP female reducer

NOTE: It is our policy to continually improve products and as such we reserve the right to alter data, specifications and component parts without prior notice.

IMPortANt: no liability is accepted for incorrect use of this product.

WArrANtY: Guarantee is 12 months from purchase date, proof of which will be required for any claim.

INForMAtIoN: for a copy of our latest catalogue and promotions call us on 01284 757525 and leave your full name and address, including postcode.

01284 757500

01284 703534

[email protected]

Sole uK Distributor, Sealey group,

Kempson Way, suffolk Business Park


Bury st. Edmunds, suffolk,

IP32 7Ar



sA206/206fr/206f/206L/206r/206fAD/206frAD Issue: 3 - 16/03/10

© Jack sealey Limited

Original Language Version

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