Date display, Year display, Daylight saving and leap year adjustments – Emerson Radio iC172 User Manual
Page 9
Date Display
To see the correct Date at any time, depress the MONTH/DATE button. The display
changes from Time to Month and Date (MM/DD).
For example, May 21 will appear as “5.21”.
When you release the MONTH/DATE button the
display returns to the correct Time.
Year Display
To s e e t h e c o r r e c t Ye a r, d e p r e s s t h e
MONTH/DATE and TIME buttons together.
The display changes from Time to Year.
When you release the MONTH/DATE and TIME
buttons the display returns to the correct Time.
Daylight Saving and Leap Year Adjustments
All Daylight Saving and Leap Year adjustments are made automatically
by the SmartSet
internal computer as follows:
• Start of Daylight Saving Time:
At “2:00 AM” on the 2nd Sunday in March, the clock will automatically
advance to “3:00 AM”.
• End of Daylight Saving Time:
A t “3 : 0 0 A M ” o n t h e 1 s t S u n d a y i n N o v e m b e r, t h e c l o c k w i l l
automatically reset to “2:00 AM”.
• Leap Year:
At “12:00 Midnight” on February 28th, the calendar display will change
to “2.29”.
iC172 IB 301207new3.p65
25/3/2008, 18:28