Troubleshooting, Troub leshooting – Casio SE-S6000 User Manual
Page 124
E051 CHK/TBL No. is
Attempt to made use
using a number that is already used for an existing check
in check tracking memory.
Finalize and close the check that is currently under the
number that you want to use or use a different check
E052 CHK/TBL No. is busy
Attempt to use the same check number whilst the speci-
fi ed number is being used in the other terminal.
Use another check number or close the check at that
E053 CHK/TBL No. is not
Attempt made to use
using a number that is not used for an existing check in
check tracking memory.
Use the correct check number (if you want to reopen a
check that already exists in check tracking memory) or
E054 Out of CHK/TBL No.
Check number range over.
Enter correct number.
E055 In the SEP CHK
Normal registration is prohibited during separate check
Terminate separate check operation.
E056 CHK range full
All check number are occupied in range.
Recall the stored data.
E059 Press EAT-IN or
Attempt to fi nalize a transaction without specifying
E060 Printer offl ine
External printer offl ine
E061 Printer error
External printer went down.
E062 Printer paper end
External printer paper end
Replace new paper.
E064 Print buffer full
Printing buffer full
E066 Print from the
beginning of the
Attempt to print the last separated transaction on slip.
Print from the beginning of the transaction
E075 Negative balance
cannot be fi nalized
Attempt to fi nalize a transaction when balance is less
than or equal to zero.
Register item(s) until the balance becomes positive
E085 Data exist in
consolidation fi le
Data exists in the consolidation fi le.
Clear the data.
E100 Operate at the
master terminal
Prohibit master operation.
Perform it at master terminal.
E101 PLU maintenance
fi le full. Press
<#2> to exit
Scanning PLU direct maintenance / batch maintenance
fi le becomes full.
Terminate the maintenance.
E103 PLU Code is not
exist. Input the
PLU Code
PLU code is not existed in the fi le.
Enter proper PLU code.
E105 PLU fi le full
Scanning PLU / not found PLU fi le full
Modify the designated item.
E106 Item exists in the
The designated item has already existed in the scanning
PLU fi le.
E112 Close the journal
platen arm
The journal platen arm is opened.
Close the journal platen arm.
E114 Close the receipt
platen arm
The receipt platen arm is opened.
Close the receipt platen arm.
E139 Negative balance is
not allowed
Attempt to register <–> or
becomes negative.
Enter proper minus / coupon amount.
E146 Arrangement fi le
Arrangement fi le is full.
Set the arrangement properly.
E164 Employee No. is
not Found in the
Employee File
Attempt to enter a wrong employee number which is not
set to the employee fi le.
Enter proper employee number.
E165 Employee No. is not
Attempt to clock out the employee who is not clocked in.
Enter proper employee number.
E166 Employee No. is
Attempt to clock in the employee who has clocked in
Enter proper employee number.
E176 Time&Attendance
fi le full
Time and attendance fi le becomes full.
Delete unused employee number or reallocate the time
and attendance fi le.
E179 Please enter birth
Check customer’s birthday to sell this item.
Enter customer’s birthday
E180 Age does not
permit product
Customer’s age is not satisfy to by this product.
Do not sell this product to the customer for age limitation.
E201 Illegal Format
Illegally formatted CF card
Format the CF card.
E202 File not found
The designated fi le is not found in the CF card.
Enter proper fi le name.
E203 Insuffi cient memory
Insuffi cient memory in the CF card.
Use a vacant (formatted) CF card.
E205 File already exist.
Can not write, because designated fi le has already been in
the CF card.
Check the operation and retry.
E206 EJ full
The Electronic journal memory is full.
Clear EJ after issue an EJ report.