Elation Professional Professional Model Impression Mounting Light User Manual
Page 27

©Elation Professional® 27 impression™
Time and Value
Pan/Tilt slow – fast
Use this channel 14) also for the
speed of the movements (channel 13).
Pan Min. 530° = 200 s
Pan Max. 530° = 2,65 s
Tilt Min. 285° = 110 s
Tilt Max. 285° = 1,8 s
16..255 10..FF 7..100
(*) Max. Power-Mode vs. White-Mode
The Impression™ can regard the white-balance adjustments for each individual color setting.
Whether the White-Mode is used with RGB can be selected in the Normal DMX-Mode
during operation with the Special DMX channel. If the Special channel is set to a value
between DMX 0..15, the White-Mode is not used and the RGB goes for the maximum light
output. If the Special channel is set to a value between DMX 16..31, the white balance is
used for the RGB output.
Using White Balance in “Compressed Mode:”
It is still possible to use the “White Balance” options in “Compressed Mode” even though
there is no DMX “Special” channel. This setting can be activated or deactivated directly in
the fixture’s system menu. To activate the white balance setting be sure to set the
“White-Mode” to “ON”, to deactivate the setting be sure to set the White-Mode to “OFF.”
When set to “OFF” all the RGB functions will transition from 0~100%.