Mp2300 startup procedure, Servopack default set procedure, Symbol import procedure – Yaskawa MP2300 User Manual
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MP2300 Quick Reference Guide Rev1.5
MP2300 Startup Procedure
All equipment must be properly wired and installed.
Step Instruction
Power OFF
Prepare for first Power ON
Set M-LINK address
MP2300 base unit is node 0, so set rotary switch 1-F
Set CONFIG and INIT dipswitches (right)
Prepare to erase all RAM (not FLASH) and self-configure hardware
Power ON
Wait for "All Green" lights on Servopacks and Controller. Takes about
Set all dipswitches OFF (left)
The configuration is now termporarily stored in program RAM and
should not be self-configured again at next power up.
Start MotionWorks MPE720
Connect Serial Cable JEPMC-W5311-03B
R-Click to create new Group folder, Order
subfolder, and Controller subfolder
Type any name 8 characters or less, no spaces. Choose "Controller
Type" as MP2300
R-Click Controller folder and select "Online"
Changes will be made to files on the computer as well as on the
controller, instead of just the computer.
Double-click Controller folder to Log On
The default User Name and Password are both USER-A
10* Save to flash
When the window pops up, click the leftmost button (Save/Compare)
and accept other defaults. Close window when complete.
11* Save controller configuration to hard disk
R-Click controller folder, Transfer - All Files - From Controller to
MPE720. Uncheck "Registers" or transfer will take over 7 minutes.*
SERVOPACK Default Set Procedure
(Optional Procedure) When servopack is not brand new, use this procedure to restore default parameter settings
Step Instruction
R-Click Controller folder, Log OFF. R-Click controller folder, check
"online". Double-click Controller folder to log on. The default User
Name and Password are both USER-A
From file manager, under Definition folder, open Module Configuration.
Engineering Manager application opens.
Highlight Controller Slot 00 (MP2300). In the Module Details section,
double-click slot 3 (or R-click - Open Slot).
In the SVB Definition window, Select SERVOPACK tab
Choose the Axis number from the pull-down list (top left)
Under Edit menu, choose Default Set. Click OK and Save
Repeat for each axis as necessary
Cycle Servopack Power
Symbol Import Procedure
Step Instruction
Log On (Online or Offline)
Double-click Controller folder to log on. The default User Name and
Password are both USER-A
Close everything except File Manager
Close Ladder Editor, Engineering Manager, etc
Open Symbol Manager
From File Manager, under Database folder, open Symbol Manager.
Symbol Manager Application opens.
Open Symbol List
Under View menu, be sure Data Tree is checked. Expand Data Tree to
open Symbol List and double-click All Register.
Import Symbols
Under File menu, choose Import. Locate desired *.CSV symbol file
(such as MotionImport.csv) and open.
Save Symbols
Use the SAVE icon, CTRL-S, or File-Save. It may take a few seconds
for saving to complete, depending on the number of symbols in the
project and the speed of the computer.
Repeat process for additional symbol list *.CSV files
*These steps can be skipped because they will be completed when (1) Ethernet (rather than serial) will be used to
logon online. (2) Function Blocks will be used.
Open Servopack Module Configuration
Save defaults for each axis
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