Page 15

SMA Solar Technology AG
4 Commissioning
User Manual
– Specific device: If Sunny Explorer is to connect
to a specific device, select the device in the list
under the NetID of your system.
7. Select [Next].
☑ The connection to the system is established and the login window opens.
8. Select the user group in the drop-down list User group. The user group Installer must only be
used by qualified personnel who are familiar with setting safety-relevant system parameters.
9. In the field System password, enter the specific password for the selected user group and
select [Next].
☑ Sunny Explorer will establish the connection to all devices with the selected NetID.
☑ The Sunny Explorer user interface opens in the screen option of the chosen user group.
☑ The connection to your Bluetooth system is established. Your settings for the system are stored
in the PV system file on your computer.
10. To open the system again later on, proceed as described in Section 6.2.
Damage due to unauthorized access to your system
The system password protects your system from unauthorized access and the associated risks.
• After initial login to a new system, change the default password for both user groups
(User and Installer) (see Section 8.3 "System Password", page 45).