Performer-hd remote, Model 110 compatible protocol – Grass Valley Performer-HD User Manual
Page 47

Performer-HD Instruction Manual
Serial Protocol Descriptions
Performer-HD Remote
This protocol provides bidirectional communication between controlling
devices and crosspoint controllers on a single shielded twisted-pair cable.
RS485 standard is used, allowing a maximum of 32 communicating devices
on the bus. The protocol supports crosspoint matrices up to 4 levels, each
99x99. When this protocol is selected, Performer-HD forces the serial port
to 76.8K baud, 8 data bits, no parity.
When selecting this protocol, note that four variations are allowed depend-
ing upon the position of switch 2, segments 6 and 5. If 6 is OPEN, each Per-
former-HD level (video, audio 1, audio 2) is treated as a separate level in
the protocol (independently controllable within the switcher). If 6 is
CLOSED, all three levels are treated as a single level and switch simulta-
neously. (A breakaway can still be executed at the switcher integral control
If segment 5 is OPEN, the switcher will be in master mode. In master mode,
Performer-HD receives, executes, and responds to commands. If segment 5
is CLOSED, the switcher will be in slave mode. In slave mode, Performer-
HD receives and executes commands but does not respond on the serial
bus. Slave mode is used when it is desirable to use multiple Performers as-
signed to the same level and destination number. The switchers will exe-
cute commands simultaneously but only a single Performer (set to master
mode) will respond with a tally message. Only one master mode Performer
may be on any one level/destination combination at a time. Otherwise,
garbled communications due to bus collisions will result.
Source, Level, and Destination offsets which allow you to use multiple
master mode Performers on the same bus (but not the same level and des-
tination) are determined by Performer switch S1.
Model 110 Compatible Protocol
Performer-HD may be used as a Model 110 Production Switcher peripher-
al. The Performer-HD audio selection automatically follows the switching
of the Model 110 Program Bus.