Grass Valley Profile InSync v.3.0 User Manual
Page 13

July 2, 2008
InSync User Guide
Configuring synchronization rules
5. Configure values for Queue Retry as follows:
Retry Attempt
— When InSync cannot copy or delete a file, it can try the process
again. Enter the number of times that you want InSync to try again.
Retry Interval
— Enter the number of minutes that you want InSync to wait
between retries.
6. Select one of the following Delete Processing Modes:
— When a clip has a delete task listed in the synchronization queue,
InSync processes the delete task and deletes the clip during the normal
synchronization process. Each clip deletion is recorded in the History List.
— When a clip has a delete task listed in the synchronization queue,
InSync does not process the delete task and the clip remains untouched. These
unprocessed delete tasks remain in the synchronization list until a new
synchronization runs. InSync does not retain any history or log entries of these
unprocessed delete tasks.
Delete Confirm
— When a clip has a delete task listed in the synchronization
queue, InSync does not process the delete task during the synchronization
process. Instead, InSync places the clip’s delete task in the Confirm Delete List,
so that you can later view the list and manually accept or reject each clip
deletion. Refer to
“Managing individual synchronization tasks” on page 17
7. When you are satisfied with your settings, click
to put settings into effect and
leave the dialog open, or click
to put settings into effect and close the dialog.
When you click OK, the following occurs:
• If the manual synchronization mode is currently selected, no synchronization
processes begin.
• If event, periodic, or timed Synchronization Mode is currently selected, a
synchronization process might begin, depending on other settings. Refer to
“Running synchronizations” on page 16
With Initial
Copy to slave
Copy to slave
Copy to master
If you select this
InSync does this
to clips deleted
from the slave
And this to clips
deleted from the
master only…
And does this to
clips modified on
the master only…
And this to clips
modified on the
slave only…