H3C Technologies H3C Intelligent Management Center User Manual
Page 101

On Linux, the tool is located in the /deploy/logfiles.sh directory of the
IMC installation path.
This example uses Linux.
Enter the /deploy directory in the IMC installation path, and then perform
one of the following tasks:
To collect logs within the last seven days, simply execute the logfiles.sh
To collect logs within more days, you must type the relevant parameter.
For example, to collect logs within the last 30 days, execute the
logfiles.sh 30 command.
The logs are saved as a zip. file named log_YYYYMMDDhhmmss.zip in
the \tmp directory (or /tmp on Linux) of the IMC installation path. The
YYYYMMDDhhmmss string indicates the time (including the year, month,
day, hour, minute, and second) when the file was created.
If the IMC server has multiple NICs, how can I use one of the IP
addresses to listen to HTTP/HTTPS services?
Perform the following tasks:
Use a text editor to open the IMC configuration file server.xml:
On Windows, the file is located in the \client\conf directory of the
IMC installation path.
On Linux, the file is located in the /client/conf directory of the IMC
installation path.
This example uses Windows.
Add address="IP address" to the file, as shown in
Save the file and restart IMC.
Now IMC can be accessed only from the IP address specified in the
server.xml file.