Loading an existing project, To load an existing project, Working with assets – Ensemble Designs 7420 HD/SD Logo Inserter User Manual

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Avenue Logo HD Application

Loading an Existing Project

If an Avenue Logo HD Project has been created previously and you want to work with it, you can load
it from the Main Window.

To Load an Existing Project

1. In the Main Window, click the Load button. The Open window displays.

2. Navigate to and select a Project file (*.LCF), then click Open. The Project opens in the Main

Window. Notice the Project information that displays in the Project Name, Path and Format

Working with Assets

After creating or loading a Project, the next step is to add Assets. These can take the form of logos,
images, animations and sound clips. Graphics must be 24-bit or 32-bit Targa (.tga) files. Animations
must be a series of Targa (.tga) files. Sound clips must be in .wav format.

The Assets Window