Allstar Performance ALL81220 User Manual

Contents list, Distributor removal/installation

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Allstar Performance 8300 Lane Drive, Watervliet MI 49098

Phone: (269) 463-8000 Fax: (800) 772-2618

FORM 1031

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This distributor requires the use of an aftermarket control box and external ignition coil. Please read entire instructions

before installation.

Contents List:


Fully machined 6061-T6 aluminum distributor


Pre-installed rotor


Pre-installed cap


Plug wire retainer with two self tapping screws




O-rings, for use with modifi ed engine block


Advance stop bushings, blue pre-installed

Red = 28 crankshaft degrees

Silver = 25 crankshaft degrees

Blue = 21 crank shaft degrees

Black = 18 crankshaft degrees

(3 pr)

Advance springs, blue pre-installed

1 pair blue – normal rate of advance

1 pair silver – faster rate of advance

1 pair black – slower rate of advance

(1 pr)

Replacement Allen head screws

Distributor Removal/Installation


Remove the existing distributor cap, but do not disconnect any spark plug wires.


Use a remote start switch or have a helper crank the engine until the rotor is positioned toward the #1 cylinder.


Disconnect the battery cables, remove the NEGATIVE (-) cable fi rst.


Reinstall the distributor cap to briefl y check that the rotor and the #1 plug wire are in line. Once noted, remove cap and lay to

the side. If necessary, mark spark plug wires and remove them from the distributor cap.


Disconnect all other wires to distributor, noting where each was attached.


Loosen the distributor hold down clamp and rotate the clamp to the side or remove. Lift straight up on the distributor to

remove from the engine. (The spiral cut gear will cause the rotor to rotate as the distributor is being pulled from the engine.

Be sure to compensate for this rotation when installing the new distributor.)


Remove old gasket and clean surface to prepare for new gasket.


Install O-rings if engine block has been modifi ed.

See fi gure 1.


Install the gasket between distributor and intake manifold.

10. Apply a liberal amount of zinc or moly grease to the distributor gear to ensure proper gear break-in. (Grease sold separately).

11. Install distributor, making sure the rotor comes to rest aimed directly at the #1 cylinder. If the distributor does not drop into

place and fully seat against the intake manifold, remove the distributor and, using a long standard screwdriver, rotate the oil

pump shaft until it lines up with the distributor drive. Make sure distributor is fully seated after this adjustment (there should

not be any gap between distributor housing, gasket and intake manifold).

12. Turn distributor housing to position the vacuum advance canister (if applicable) to point towards the passenger side front

corner of the engine.

13. Reinstall or reposition the distributor hold down clamp, and then tighten until ready to set ignition timing.

FIG. 1