Airmar LB150 User Manual

Page 41

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LB150 WeatherStation Technical Manual revision 0.013

Proprietary and Confidential



within the WeatherStation, and so remain programmed even after cycling power.

If any of the fields <3>, <4>, or <5> are null fields, the corresponding stored

value will remain unchanged.

The $PAMTC,ATTOFF,Q command is used to query the values of the attitude

offset angles currently programmed into the WeatherStation. The unit will reply



where a is the current signed azimuth offset value, b is the current signed pitch

offset value, and c is the current signed roll offset value. All values are reported

to the nearest tenth of a degree.

The factory default value for all three parameters is 0.0 degrees.

The azimuth offset angle is used to adjust the apparent wind angle relative to the

front of the vehicle, and the vehicle’s heading when using the internal compass.

These values are further used in calculating the true wind speed and angle.

The azimuth offset angle, along with the pitch and roll offset angles are also used

to adjust the reported pitch and roll values in the transmitted $WIXDR sentence.

A properly set azimuth offset angle will allow the unit to accurately report pitch

and roll of the vehicle, even though the orientation mark on the sensor housing

may not be facing precisely toward the front of the vehicle. The recommended

procedure to set these offsets is as follows:
1. If the unit is mounted on a vehicle, this procedure should be performed with

the vehicle at rest on level ground.

2. First, zero out all offsets by sending the command


3. Determine the desired azimuth offset angle, and program this into the sensor

using the command $PAMTC,ATTOFF,SET,a where a is the azimuth offset

of the sensor relative to the front of the vehicle, in degrees. The pitch and roll

offset fields should be omitted for this step (or set to zeroes).

4. Allow the vehicle to come to rest in a "level" state, and then read the values of

pitch and roll that are reported by the XDR sentence.

5. Program the negated versions of these measured pitch and roll values back

into the unit with the $PAMTC,ATTOFF,SET,,b,c sentence. For example, if

the XDR sentence reports an average pitch angle of 6.2 degrees, and an

average roll angle of -4.3 degrees, then you would send the sentence

$PAMTC,ATTOFF,SET,,-6.2,4.3 to the WeatherStation. Note that the

azimuth offset field in this sentence is a null field, indicating we are not

changing its value at this time.

6. At this point the transmitted XDR sentences should be producing values that

are centered around 0.0 degrees for both pitch and roll.

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