Kachinko system – Teac KS-1017 User Manual

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Kachinko System

The KS-1017 is used together with the KS-1018 “clapperboard”
or with other synchronization sources to synchronize video and

audio which may arrive via different feeds or be otherwise de-
layed relative to each other.

For example, if the video portion of a live international broad-
cast is transmitted via satellite, and the audio portion via sub-

marine cable, there will be a noticeable lag between the two sig-
nals when they arrive at the local broadcast center. In this case,
the audio should be delayed by a certain fixed amount before

broadcast so that the audio and video are in sync.
The Kamesan Kachinko System helps you to work out exactly
how many milliseconds (or frames) the audio signal must be
delayed in order to achieve proper sync.



Use a handheld

camera to shoot

the KS-1018


Audio and
video data
picked up

Undersea cable

Audio data captured
with microphone or

Use the video probe to
detect the signal on a TV


Use a microphone, or
a line input, to
connect the audio
signal to the KS-1017