Teac KS-1017 User Manual

Page 11

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Kachinko System


Kachinko System

4. As the signals are received, they light in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd

columns. There will only be one indicator at most in a col-
umn, and the columns fill up from the left. The illustrations
here show different possible results: in 1, the video signal is

received first, followed by A2, which is then followed by A1.

In 2, A2 and A1 arrive (in that order) followed by the video

signal. In 3, A1 arrives first, followed by the video. There is no





5. If no signal is received with six seconds of the start being

pressed, or if more than six seconds elapse between receiv-
ing the signals, the START key goes out, the red T.OVER indi-

cator lights, and the display shows all dashes.

Using the KS-1017 without the KS-1018

This is very similar to using the two Kamesan Kachinko System
units together, but because the light source from the synchro-

nization signal may not be at the preset level, it may well neces-
sary to adjust the input gain and trigger level of the video input

(and maybe the audio input as well, if this is a non-standard

level) so that the signals trigger the video detection, and the

Detect indicator on the probe, as well as the detection indicator

on the main unit.
Make sure that the MANU switch is lit, otherwise the video

threshold (TH.) and gain controls will have no effect.

Adjust the gain so that the light trigger lights the bottom three

or four segments of the input level meter. The threshold control

is turned counterclockwise to make it more sensitive (that is, a
lower light level will trigger the video detection and light the in-

dicators on the main unit and the probe).