Teac US-2400 Applications Guide User Manual
Us-2400, Applications guide

Applications Guide
Fully-mapped mixing control for
any DAW that supports HUI™ or
Mackie® Control protocols
Twenty-fi ve touch sensitive
100mm moving faders, each
with 10-bit resolution
Select, Solo and Mute keys
24 encoders control pan, aux level
or channel strip functions like EQ
& Aux
LED ring displays around encod-
ers display parameters or channel
Footswitch jack for punch-ins
Fader bank switching and In/Out
point buttons
Assignable Function keys can be
set to Autopunch, Record arming,
Undo, etc.
Solid-feeling transport controls
Smooth Jog/Shuttle wheel
Joystick for surround panning
Compatible with professional
DAW systems like DigiDesign
Pro Tools®
Mac® OSX and Windows® XP
* Subject to application support
US-2400 DAW Controller with 100mm Moving Faders
Twenty-four rotary encoders are
provided, selectable to control pan or
up to 6 aux sends. Or, with the press of a
button, all 24 encoders can be employed
as one large channel strip* for four-band
EQ, aux and pan control. Each encoder
has an easy-to-read ring of LEDs that
displays the current setting of that knob.
Another mode changes the LED rings
to display meters instead for instant
feedback on your levels.
A set of solid-feeling transport but-
tons are also provided, plus functions
like in and out points. A smooth jog/
shuttle wheel is provided for locating
in your project or scrubbing audio clips.
And the US-2400 is the fi rst universal
DAW control surface to include a joystick
for surround panning.
The US-2400 connects to your com-
puter using a simple USB connection.
No drivers need to be installed to start
using it – since the US-2400 emulates
the Mackie Control® or Mackie HUI®,
setup is fast and easy. With it’s all-in-one
design (no fader expanders required),
professional-quality components and
fl exible control functions, the US-2400
is the ultimate front end for any studio
serious about mixing on a computer.
he new US-2400 provides all of
the hands-on control that big
computer mixing projects demand.
With twenty-fi ve touch-sensitive
moving faders, assignable encoders,
fl exible metering, surround panning
capability and reliable transport con-
trols, it’s ready for the biggest mix you
can throw at it.
Modern digital audio workstation
software has become so powerful that
many users mix inside the computer,
never using an external mixer for
more than monitoring their work.
Unfortunately, mixing on the com-
puter often means moving on-screen
faders with your mouse or panning a
track by clicking and dragging. With
the US-2400 , you can save the mouse
for what it’s good at and use a control
surface for what it’s good at: hands-on
mixing with lots of real faders, knobs
& buttons. The TASCAM US-2400 gives
you enough faders to handle a real re-
cording session without lots of bank
The US-2400 features 25 touch-
sensitive moving channel faders and
a touch-sensitive motorized master
fader, each with 10-bit resolution for
precise level control. Each channel has
dedicated, illuminated select, solo and
mute controls so you can see what’s
going on without checking the com-
puter monitor.
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