Teac MMR-8 v2.0 User Manual

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Tascam MMR-8/MMP-16 Owner’s Manual • Version 2.0 Update


Pro Tools Features Supported

The MMR-8 and MMP-16 will recognize and play back Pro Tools Session files (and all Sound
Designer II audio files referenced by the Session file) created as version 3.2 or 4.x Sessions on a
16-bit or 24-bit Pro Tools system. The name of all recognized Session files on all mounted volumes
will appear in the list of projects shown in the LCD display after the Load Track key is pressed. If
fade files are present, the MMR/MMP will play them. If fade files are missing, the unit will play
back a linear fade of the correct duration in real time. Any playback mutes that are part of the
Session will be followed by the MMR/MMP, and the audio material programmed to mute will not
play back. If audio mutes have been applied in error, the material must be unmuted using the Pro
Tools system before it will play back on the MMR/MMP.

Pro Tools Features Not Supported in Version 2.0

The TASCAM MMR-8 and MMP-16 are designed to be able to play back edited audio files and
fades from Pro Tools Session files and other workstation file types, but they do not have all of the
complex DSP and routing/mixing capabilities of a full-fledged digital audio workstation. There are
therefore some capabilities of such systems that do not translate when files are played back on the
MMR/MMP. For post production sound editing, this need not pose a problem if these limitations
are understood and material is prepared with the capability of the MMR/MMP in mind. This
section details some features of the Pro Tools system and Session file format which are not directly
supported on the MMR/MMP.

Gain Automation and Dynamic Voice Allocation

The Pro Tools system has special features for assigning gain automation to regions, and for
dynamic voice allocation utilizing virtual tracks and track priority. The MMR-8 and MMP-16
Version 2.0 software does not recognize or respond to these parameters in a Session file. These
capabilities will be added in a future MMR/MMP software release.

TDM Plug-Ins

One of the most impressive features of the Pro tools system is the number and variety of third-
party DSP plug-in effects available for the system. These effects rely on special DSP hardware in
the Pro Tools system to perform various digital audio processes in real time. These real-time
effects are not supported by the MMR/MMP since there is no equivalent processing power or
software. Another class of Pro Tools effects called AudioSuite plug-ins work by actually applying
the effect and changing the audio data on the disk. In this case, the files will play back just as they
have been processed, since the processing has been made part of the file.

Voice Output Assignments

Since Pro Tools has extensive mixing capabilities, it also allows tracks to be freely assigned to
various outputs for playback. The MMR/MMP units are designed to assign Pro Tools tracks
directly to audio output channels on the MMR/MMP unit on a one-to-one basis and do not follow
the output mapping of Pro Tools session. When editing material on Pro Tools for eventual
playback on an MMR/MMP, it is best to place the material on the track where it should play on
the MMR/MMP. Track assignments can be changed locally on the MMR/MMP and any track can
be assigned to play out of any MMR/MMP channel output, but the default assignment when
loading a Session will be to the tracks as numbered in the Pro Tools Session, not the voice
assignment patching.

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