Studio Technologies 55 2002 User Manual
Page 10

Issue 4, June 2002
Model 55/56 User Guide
Page 10
Studio Technologies, Inc.
MIDI Control
All Model 55 Central Controller functions
are controlled using system-exclusive
MIDI messages. The Model 56 Control
Console “speaks” this language, and in
most applications a Model 56 will be
utilized. In special applications the Model
55 Central Controller can be connected
directly to a MIDI bus, allowing the cre-
ation of a fully automated recording or
audio routing system. For more informa-
tion on MIDI support, refer to Appendix A.
The Model 56 Control Console can be
configured to make the system meet a
user’s exact operating environment. All
configuration parameters, along with
“power down” operation conditions, are
stored in nonvolatile memory.
Each of the four stereo line inputs can
be independently set for –10dBV or
+4dBu operating levels.
Each input can be set for either mono
or stereo operation. In the mono mode
a signal connected to the left input is
sent to the left and right outputs.
The dub output level can be set for a
nominal –10dBV or +4dBu output level.
Unique to the system is the ability to
configure the dim level to one of three
values, allowing a 15, 20, or 25dB
reduction when dim is active.
Three functions can be set for push-to-
latch operation if desired: talk to
phones, slate, and control room mono.
The auto dim off function, when config-
ured, allows any change in the control
room level potentiometer to automati-
cally turn off an active dim state.
The slate function can be configured to
talk to the dub output, or talk to both the
dub and headphone outputs.
The talk to phones function can be set
to interrupt the normal phones source or
add (sums) to the phones source.
The system can be configured to allow
only one input source, or one or two
input sources to be selected as the
control room source(s).
Headphone Monitoring
The StudioComm system contains an
integrated, full-featured headphone (cue)
system. Up to four Model 35 or Model 38
Talent Amplifiers can be connected to
the Model 55’s talent amplifier output. A
single 3-conductor microphone-type cable
carries power and stereo audio.
Using the Model 56 Control Console,
any of the four stereo inputs can be as-
signed to the talent amplifier output. The
talk to phones and slate functions allow
communications (voice) audio to be sent
to the talent amps. The talent amplifier
output is short circuit protected. Error
conditions are displayed by the Over
Current LED on the Model 55’s front
Each Model 35 and Model 38 Talent
Amplifier can drive two sets of high-
impedance headphones (>150
). The
audio output is loud, and very “clean.”
The units feature a built-in level control,
a stereo/mono switch, and a power
present LED.
The Model 38 Talent Amplifier takes the
basics from the Model 35 and adds a
unique stereo preamplifier section. This
allows a musician’s microphone or line-
level signal to be “looped” through the