Pushbutton switches and status leds, Headphone output level controls – Studio Technologies 240 User Manual

Page 21

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Model 240 User Guide

Issue 1, August 2013

Studio Technologies, Inc.

Page 21

Pushbutton Switches and
Status LEDs

Four pushbutton switches are used to con-
trol the main output functions. The way each
switch operates depends on the selected
configuration. An LED indicator, green in
color, is located directly above each push-
button. They will light whenever its associ-
ated main output function is active.
There are two other cases where the status
LEDs could change state even if the push-
button switches are not actuated. The first
case is if contact closures have been con-
nected to the Model 240’s remote control
inputs. In this way the main output functions
can be controlled by an external source and
the LEDs will respond accordingly.
The second case is if two Model 240 units
are being used in the multi-unit mode.
Intercommunicating using the RS-485 data
link, the status of one unit will cause both
units to respond. If the pushbutton on one
unit is activated its associated status LED
will continually light while the status LED
on the other Model 240 will light in an on-
and-off cadence. This provides a distinctive
indication of the current operating condition
but doesn’t restrict its associated pushbut-
ton from being pressed. (This doesn’t “lock
out” or prevent the buttons associated with
the same main output channel from being
activated at the same time.) If the buttons
on both Model 240 units are simultaneously
pressed their associated LEDs will continu-
ally light.
Note that the cap of each pushbutton switch
is back lit using a white LED. The LEDs will
light whenever the Model 240 is operating.
They do not change intensity or provide a
status indication in response to the unit’s
operation. The backlight level can be config-
ured from among two choices, low or high.

Button Modes
Each of the four pushbutton switches can
be independently configured to function
from either of two operating modes:
• Push to talk: If this mode is selected the

function associated with the pushbutton
is normally off. The function will become
active whenever the button is pressed
and held.

• Hybrid: This mode is a combination of

push to talk and alternate action. If the
button is pressed and held, the function
associated with it will become active
until the button is released. If the button
is momentarily “tapped” the function will
change state. Upon Model 240 power
up the function will be in its off state.

Headphone Output Level

Three rotary controls (“pots”) are located
on the Model 240’s front panel and are
associated with the headphone output
section of the headset connector. How
they function depends on the setting of
two configuration parameters. The first
configuration choice allows the headphone
output to be set for stereo or monaural.
The other configuration choice (actually
two configuration switches) allows sidetone
audio to be sent to either or both of the
headphone channels. When set for stereo
the control on the far left is used to adjust
the level of the headphone output’s left
channel. The control in the center is used
to adjust the level of the right channel. If
sidetone has been enabled the control
located on the right adjusts the level of
the sidetone audio signal. Turning any of
the controls to their fully counterclockwise
position will cause its respective output to
fully mute.