Auto reference level off, Dialnorm reference level, Dialnorm-data-to-surround- input assignment – Studio Technologies 76DBA V.3.00 User Manual
Page 24: Dim level, Remote mute all, Remote dim, Remote auxiliary stereo monitor output on/off

Issue 1, November 2010
Model 76DBA/77B User Guide
Page 24
Studio Technologies, Inc.
for Surround
reflecting the widely used audio-for-picture
85 dB monitoring reference level. (Typically
this 85 dB is really 85 dBC, indicating that
a C-weighting filter has been applied to the
measurement.) Other common reference
SPL values, such as 82 dB and 87 dB, are
well within the allowable range.
Auto Reference Level Off
When auto reference level off is enabled,
the function automatically turns the refer-
ence level function off if a change is made
to the rotary level control while the refer-
ence level function is active.
Dialnorm Reference Level
The dialnorm reference level parameter is
provided so that the StudioComm system
can be configured to match a facilities’ or
“plant” default dialnorm level. This value
is used as a reference against which the
post-fader surround digital and analog
monitor output levels will, if enabled, be
adjusted up or down in response to an
incoming dialnorm value. The dialnorm
reference level parameter can be adjusted
over the entire –31 to –1 dB range but
typical values will be in the range of –27 to
–24. Implementation purists might want to
select –31 dB as it may well be the “truest”
implementation of the dialnorm scheme.
In this way the system will, when enabled,
reduce the monitor output level whenever
dialnorm is different than –31 dB. But as
bar fights have broken out over decisions
such as this we’ll leave the choice up to
you! For additional information about dial-
norm refer to the Technical Notes section
of this user guide.
Input Assignment
For correct operation the connected Dolby
E dialnorm data must be assigned to work
in conjunction with its associated surround
input. In this way the dialnorm data will
only display, and level changes will only
take place, when the appropriate surround
input is selected by an operator.
Dim Level
The dim function is used to reduce the
post-fader surround digital and analog
monitor output levels by a preset amount.
The reduction is in dB relative to the post-
fader surround digital and analog monitor
outputs’ current level. There are four dim
level values available: –10.0, –15.0, –20.0,
and –25.0 dB.
Remote Mute All
Two configuration choices are associated
with the remote mute all function: disabled
and enabled. To utilize the remote mute all
function simply requires you to select the
enabled setting.
Remote Dim
Two configuration choices are associated
with the remote dim function: disabled and
enabled. To utilize the remote dim function
simply configure it for enabled.
Remote Auxiliary Stereo
Monitor Output On/Off
This function configures whether the on/off
status of the auxiliary stereo digital and
analog monitor outputs can be controlled
using the remote control input.