Vii. email alerts and monitoring – SP Controls PX2-NRC-1142 User Manual

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Web-Based Security

If you have not already changed the Admin password, you should do so now. Keep this password in a
very secure place, because if you lose it, you will have to restore your NRC to its factory default
to regain administrative control.

Note: User accounts can be created that provide web-based control and monitoring access without
configuration privileges. See Step 9 of 10 Steps to Get the NRC Online on page 7 for information on
adding a limited-access user account.

Panel Access Security

You can prevent unauthorized people from turning on the AV system from the Modular Panel by set-
ting an entrance keycode. Once an NRC system configured with a keycode is powered off (i.e. a user
presses Off or the power status feedback turns the system off), the system cannot be powered on
again unless the user enters the specified security keycode.

To enter a security keycode, check the box labeled “Use Modular Panel Keycode Password” and type
a keycode in the field. Only the numerals 1 through 4 are permitted, which correspond to the upper-
left, upper-right, lower-left, and lower-right buttons as shown below. When the full code is entered,
users will press the center button as an Enter key.

A security code may be from one to ten digits in length. By default, the keycode is “1234”.

The Menu module must be installed to use this feature.

VII. Email Alerts and Monitoring

Email alerts can help you stay instantly
apprised of many different situations with
your NRC, including theft (i.e. RS-232
cable disconnect), a bulb nearing the end
of its life, or a failure to communicate with
a time server (which would hamper sched-
uling events).

Note: The Unexpected Display On/Off
feature requires that the display device
support 2-way RS-232 polling. See the rel-
evant SP Controls Application Notes for
each supported device, or contact SP
Controls Technical Support for more infor-

Email alerts can also be configured as a
System Event (see page 26), in which
case an alert email would be sent when a
button was pressed on the Modular Panel.



Use the four numbered buttons on the corners to input
the security code, and use the center button to enter.