Basic programming, Step 1: configuring the address – SoundTraxx Coach Lighting Decoder Users Guide User Manual
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SoundTraxx Lighting Decoder User’s Guide
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Step 1: Configuring the Address
The first group of CVs you will want to change are those that set your
Lighting decoder’s address:
CV 1, Primary Address
CV 17:18, Extended Address
The decoder may be set up to recognize either the primary address (also
called the short address), which provides a range of 1 to 127 or the extended
(long) address, which has a range of 0001 to 9999! Whether you use the
primary or extended address will first depend on whether or not your DCC
system uses extended addressing (not all of them do - if in doubt, see
your command station owner’s manual.) Second, it will depend on your
preferences and the numbering scheme you use for setting your decoder
addresses. The extended address has the advantage that you can use all
four digits of a caboose or coach’s road number for the decoder address
making it easy to remember. Be aware that some DCC systems do not
support the full range of available addresses.
Primary Address
To use the primary address, simply set CV 1 to the desired address between
1 and 127.
Programming Notes: Both the primary and extended address may be
changed at any time using service mode.
Some DCC systems will also allow the decoder address to be modified using
operations mode programming (consult your system manual for details).
Please note that when programming in operations mode, the following
restrictions apply:
If the decoder’s primary address is enabled (i.e., CV 29, bit 5 is 0),
only the extended address may be changed using operations mode
If the decoder’s extended address is enabled (i.e., CV 29, bit 5 is 1),
only the primary address may be changed using operations mode
Extended Address
The extended address is actually made up of two CVs, 17 and 18. Unless
you are an experienced user, you should not try to program these CVs
individually as a specific protocol is required in order for the decoder to
accept the new data (See the Technical Reference for details). Since most
command stations that support extended addressing will automatically
generate the correct protocol, simply follow their instructions for setting the
extended address.
Basic Programming