Cnfg (configuration) – Skutt GlassMaster Kiln User Manual
Page 19

OUTS (Output Test)
There are 4 outputs that can be used on the board. There are 3 designated for elements and 1 designated to run
an accessory. This feature allows you to test each output individually to see if it is operating correctly.
When activated, this feature will test each output beginning with output 1 and ending with output 4. It will cycle
each output on for approximately 8 seconds. To see if the elements are cycling on you can place a small piece of
paper on each element. If the paper is burned, the element came on.
Caution: To Avoid Electrical Shock, be sure that the control box and kiln lid are closed before you use this feature.
CNFG (Configuration)
Caution: Be sure to consult with a Skutt Technician before changing factory CNFG settings.
“CNFG”, or Configuration, is where all of the controller configuration tools are located. The following Options are
available under the “CNFG” menu.
ERCd ( Error Codes ON/OFF)
Error codes are designed to help protect you, your kiln, and your ware when something goes wrong with the firing.
There are times however where you may wish to try a new technique which would trigger an error code under
normal conditions. When error codes are turned off the following codes are disabled.
Error 1 - Terminate firing when kiln temperature increasing at a rate slower that 12 °F/hr.
Error 2 - Kiln Temperature 50 degrees above hold temperature.
Error 3 - Kiln Temperature 50 degrees below hold temperature.
Error 4 - Kiln Temperature 50 degrees above previous hold when ramping down.
Error 5 - Kiln Temperature 50 degrees below traveling set point when ramping down.
Error D - Kiln Temperature 50 degrees above traveling set point.
TCOS (Thermocouple Offset)
This feature allows you to calibrate the thermocouple when it is reading consistently and predictably incorrect. It
is extremely important to consult with a Skutt technician before making thermocouple offset adjustments. Incorrect
adjustments to the thermocouple offset can cause permanent damage to your kiln. Adjustments made to the
thermocouple offset will affect all Ramp and Hold and GlassFire Programs.
If you are experiencing problems with GlassFire Mode, check to see if the ending temperature and hold time
of the programs you are running have not been significantly altered from the factory programs before making
thermocouple offset adjustments. See the section on Modify GlassFire Mode in your manual.
Access the “TCOS” setting through the “CNFG” menu. The display will flash “ °F05 “ alternately with the current
offset setting. “ °F05 “ represents degrees Fahrenheit Offset. If the controller was programed to display in Celsius
the “F” would be replaced by a “C”. If there is currently an offset entered this could be the problem. To be safe
make adjustments in small increments and then run a test fire with scrap glass.
To Make The Kiln Fire Hotter
Enter “00” followed by the number of degrees you wish to offset the thermocouple. Press ENTER.
Ex: “0010” makes the kiln fire 10 degrees cooler
To Make The Kiln Fire Cooler
Enter “90” followed by the number of degrees you wish to offset the thermocouple. Press ENTER.
Ex: “9010” makes the kiln fire 10 degrees hotter.