Skutt GM818-3CR User Manual
Gm818-3cr addendum, Indefinite hold, Max temperature

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o p e r a t i n g m a n u a l
13.23 rev. 10/26/11
Gm818-3CR Addendum
Congratulations on the purchase of your new kiln with the Crucible kiln. While many of our kilns
have the glassmaster controller here are a few things about this kiln that are a little different than
our standard glass fusing kilns we thought we should let you know about. For the most part you
should be able to use the manual that was shipped with your kiln. We have changed some of the
standard factory settings to make it better suited for melting borosilicate or soft glass in a crucible.
Here are some of the differences:
indefinite Hold
indefinite Hold is a feature we added specifically for the use in this kiln. it allows you to hold for
an infinite amount of time at any temperature. previously the kiln was limited to 99.99 Hours. to
use this feature just input a Hold time in any segment of 99.99 and the display will read IndF. if
it does not show indF then this feature has not been toggled on and you will need to call the Skutt
technical department.
When you are ready to move on to the annealing or slow cooling portion of your firing program
you will not use the “anneal noW” key. instead you will use the SKip Segment feature which
is accessed by pressing the VieW key and then quickly pressing the enter key (within 2 Sec-
onds). the display will then read SKip, press enter to advance to the next segment of the pro-
max temperature
the maximum temperature setting for most glassmaster controllers is set to 1800F since they are
primarily used for fusing. You gm818Cr kiln should be preset in the factory for a maximum tem-
perature of 2400F. if it does not allow you to enter a temperature value above 1800F then it most
likely means this maximum temperature has been altered. Follow the instructions in your manual
for changing the maximum temperature Value or call the factory for assistance if you have this
error Codes off
artists using the gm818Cr are constantly opening the lid triggering potential situations that
would normally trigger “errors” in the program and shut off the kiln. When melting glass in a cru-
cible it is extremely important to cool the crucible slow to prevent it from cracking and letting the
glass flow into your kiln. to prevent this we have turned certain errors off.
lid Shut-off
anytime you are reaching into a kiln it is a good practice to make sure the power is disconnected.
that is why we have a lid-Shut off device attached to the door mechanism of the gm818Cr.
When the lid is opened the power is cut off to the kiln and when it is closed the power is turned
back on.