Sierra Video DashBoard Control System User Manual

Page 43

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DashBoard User Manual (Iss. 03)

DataSafe™ • 5–3

Disable check box — This option disables the DataSafe feature for that slot.
Force button — If any slots have a software version mismatch, the Force button allows

the user to load the current DataSafe data to the cards and overwrites the frame-stored
data with the card’s current settings. This button is enabled only if a software version
incompatibility exists. For more information on forcing DashBoard to update cards with
software incompatibilities, refer to the sectionForcing DataSafe Updates” on
page 5-7.

Mask Warning check box — The Network Controller card displays a warning in the

Data Safe State field of the Hardware tab if any of the card slots have an error. For
example, if a card is installed that does not match the last saved data for that slot. If the
check box is selected, no warnings are displayed in DashBoard. The default setting is to
display warnings and errors.

2. Save/Restore Card Parameters in the Basic Tree View

The following DataSafe options are available when you right-click a device in the Basic Tree

Save Configuration to File — Selecting this option displays the Export Slot to

file dialog from which you can save a DataSafe file for the specific card on your
DashBoard host machine. For more information on saving DataSafe files, refer to the
section “Saving a DataSafe File” on page 5-4.

Restore Configuration — Selecting this option displays the Restore

Configuration Wizard from which you can restore from a DataSafe file for the specific
card(s) on your DashBoard host machine. For more information on recalling
configurations from a file, refer to the section Restoring Configurations to Devices
on page 5-5.

3. Save/Restore Configurations for Devices in the DB View

If the DB View licensed feature is installed, the following options are available in the Custom
Folder toolbar:

Save Configuration to File — Selecting this option displays the Export to file

dialog from which you can save the configuration of all the devices in the Custom Folder
View to a single DataSafe file.

Restore Configuration — Selecting this option displays the Configuration

Wizard from which you can recall all configurations for all devices in the Custom Folder
View from a *.tvc file.