Using custom folders in the db view, Overview, Using custom folders in the db view -6 – Sierra Video DashBoard Control System User Manual

Page 30: Overview -6

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4–6 • Using the DashBoard Interface

DashBoard User Manual (Iss. 03)

Using Custom Folders in the DB View

The DB View licensed feature enables you to create a customized layout of folders, each
displaying the status of select devices. Custom Folders contain a selection of openGear frames
and installed devices. This feature allows you to drag and drop devices into subfolders, enabling
you to quickly customize folders as required. All device information is automatically updated
whenever parameters or status changes occur.


This section summarizes the DB View Tabs, Custom Folders and subfolders, and the available
menu options.

Figure 4.3 DB View

1. Custom Folder Toolbar

Like the Basic Tree View, the Custom Folder toolbar includes the Editor, Delete and Add New
Connection buttons. In addition, there are buttons for creating new subfolders, saving the current
tree view, saving and restoring device configuration, and accessing the extra menu options of the
Custom Folders Tab.

2. Filter Search Field

Each Custom Folder includes a Filter feature that enables you to search the Tree Views by
entering text into the field. DashBoard automatically displays the search results in the selected tab
under the All Connections node. For example, to search for a UDC-8225, enter UDC or 8225 in
the Filter field and DashBoard lists the frames that have a UDC-8225 installed. Expand the
frames inside the All Connections node to display the specific slots with UDC-8225 cards. To
clear the Filter field, delete the text.

3. Custom Folders Main Directory

Each DB View Tab includes a Custom Folders directory. In this directory, you can create and
re-name subfolders to organize devices for customized views. The status indicator represents the
current status of the devices in the custom subfolder. If a device in the subfolder needs attention,
the status indicator shows the most critical warning level. For example, the Custom Folders icon