Y”: connect afv, T”: trigger a salvo, G” command – Sierra Video 3232HD-3G User Manual
Page 61

“Y”: Connect AFV
Use command Y to request that a connection be made on all levels (AFV). It must be
followed by an output number, a comma, and an input number.
For example, the command:
**Y2, 8!!
This string says that input 8 is to be connected to output 2 on all levels.
“T”: Trigger a Salvo
The command "T" is used to trigger a previously set up salvo. It must be followed by a
register number from 1 to 256 giving the register to be triggered.
For example, the command:
** T2 !!
says to trigger salvo register 2.
If a salvo is triggered and it fails for some reason, the salvo trigger operation is aborted, and
an error is reported:
For example:
“ERROR Salvo Has Locked Xpts”.
“G” Command
Details of the “G” command can be found on our website or by contacting the factory.