Chapter 3: network interface, 1 the smart a/d™ paradigm, 2 i/o transaction time – Sensoray 2518 User Manual

Page 8: 3 ip addresses, 4 supported protocols

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Sensoray Model 2518/2519 Ethernet Smart A/D™


Network Interface

Chapter 3: Network Interface

3.1 The Smart A/D™ Paradigm

By virtue of the I/O services they provide, Smart A/D™
products are used exclusively in measurement and
control systems. Such systems nearly always rely on
deterministic responses from I/O devices in order to
acquire data and control processes in real time.

Neither Ethernet nor the TCP/IP protocols were designed
to inherently provide real time response. Consequently,
the real time performance of an Ethernet measurement
and control network depends entirely on the
responsiveness of network hosts and on the volume and
nature of the network traffic.

Smart A/D™ products are designed to provide
exceptionally fast network response times in order to
guarantee deterministic, real-time behavior over suitable
Ethernet local area networks (LANs). The Smart A/D™
paradigm is this: Deliver real-time I/O services over
Ethernet LANs.

3.2 I/O Transaction Time

In Smart A/D™ parlance, a transaction is the process of
receiving a service request from a client, executing the
service function, and if required, transmitting a response
back to the client. The measure of how well an I/O
server will perform in a real time system is determined by
the number of transactions per second it is capable of.

Smart A/D™ servers are designed from the ground up to
provide exceptionally short transaction times. By using
small, efficient packets, and by combining a dedicated
network processor with a tightly-coupled, optimized
protocol stack, these servers are capable of processing
1400 transactions per second at a sustained rate.

3.2.1 Influence of Network Traffic

Real time I/O behavior can be degraded by excessive
network traffic, particularly if large packets are present
on the wire. This might be the case, for example, in a
general-purpose LAN with many hosts.

This is not to say that I/O servers can’t operate on a
general-purpose LAN; it is simply an observation that if
deterministic performance is to be attained, an I/O server
must reside on a LAN with traffic characteristics that are
compatible with the desired transaction rates.

In systems requiring high I/O transaction rates or fast
response times, the requisite LAN is one that is dedicated

to I/O functions. Such a network would enable several
Smart A/D™ servers to provide I/O services at high
transaction rates without risking interruption from FTP
transfers, etc.

3.3 IP Addresses

All Sensoray Ethernet products employ standard Internet
Protocol (IP) version 4 addresses. An IP address is a
logical address that is assigned to a particular network
host. Every host on a TCP/IP network is assigned an IP
address so that it can communicate with other hosts on
the network.

In its physical form, an IP address is a 32-bit binary
value. At the user-interface level, however, IP addresses
are almost always represented in a more readable form
known as dotted decimal notation.

For example, “” is an IP address written in
dotted decimal form. The “dots,” which are decimal
points, serve to visually delimit the four bytes that
constitute the 32-bit binary value. The four delimited
bytes are expressed as decimal values.

3.3.1 IP Address Allocation

Sensoray Ethernet products utilize fixed, jumper-
selectable IP addresses. This address allocation method
has several important benefits over other methods:


Smart A/D™ products can be easily integrated into
nearly any LAN.


Special network support components, such as DHCP
servers, are not required. More importantly, all of the
side effects of DHCP that negatively impact
deterministic behavior are eliminated.


Configuration is fast and simple; clients that require
I/O services are inherently aware of the affiliated
Smart A/D™ servers on a network.


System downtime is minimal if a Smart A/D™
product should ever require replacement. Any unit
can be quickly replaced by substituting another unit
with the same IP address.

3.4 Supported Protocols

TCP/IP is not a single protocol, but rather is a suite of
protocols. Not all of the TCP/IP protocols need to be
implemented to take advantage of the standards defined
by the suite. In fact, significant performance

This manual is related to the following products: