Seaward PowerPlus PC User Manual
Page 18

Seaward PowerPlus PC User Manual.
- 18 -
Rev. 2.1
Check Status
The Check Status provides information on where the Certificate currently resides and is used to manage Certificate
transfers to and from the PowerPlus 1557 tester.
There are several Check Status conditions :-
Here means the Certificate was created in the desktop program and hasn’t been Uploaded to a PowerPlus 1557
tester. This Certificate is available for editing (provided its Status is Incomplete).
Checked out to File means that the certificate data has been exported to a file.
Multiple means that parts of certificate are in different places. If you place your mouse pointer over the word, then
a bubble with more detail will appear.
In means the Certificate came from a PowerPlus 1557 tester and was Downloaded to the program. This Certificate
is available for editing (provided its Status is Incomplete).
Out means the Certificate has been Uploaded to a PowerPlus 1557 tester. This Certificate is NOT available for
editing until it has been downloaded to this program, in which case the Check Status would change to In. Upload to
another tester is not allowed, to ensure Certificate data is not compromised.
In case of lost tester or for other reasons, it is possible to perform a Force Check In. This will check in a
Certificate that has been Uploaded and allow editing or another Upload to a different tester. Force Check In
should not be used unless the previous Upload has been lost or deleted otherwise Certificate data integrity can be
compromised. To Force Check In a Certificate, select the Certificate and open its context menu (right mouse
click) and select Force Check In.
Context Menus
All Certificates (displayed in the Certificates Panel) have a right mouse button action. The following actions can
be initiated from the right mouse button:
New Certificate icons
Site Survey Forms
Existing Certificates
Edit Reference…
Force Check In
If the Certificate is currently open not all context menu options will be available
Certificate Tabs
Rename Page
Add Continuation Page
Delete Continuation Page