Satel ETHM-1 User Manual
Function 0, Function 1

SATEL 2014-04-02
Short technical description: INT-RS v1.12 2013-11-08, INT-RS v2.12 2013-11-08
ETHM-1 v1.07 2013-10-23
The INT-RS module is an INTEGRA LCD-bus to RS-232 converter. It is dedicated to work with INTEGRA v1.12 2013-11-08 or
The ETHM-1 module converts INTEGRA LCD-bus to Ethernet network - its protocol is described in Function 2 chapter.
INT-RS v2.xx is 100% backward compatible with INT-RS v1.xx.
To properly configure INT-RS module with INTEGRA panel, the following steps should be done:
1) Set the module address using DIP-switches 3..1 (3-MSB, 1-LSB). Allowed addresses are:
- 0..3 - for INTEGRA 24 and 32 (i.e. DIP3='OFF')
- 0..7 - for INTEGRA 64, 128, 128-WRL, 64 PLUS, 128 PLUS and 256 PLUS
E.g. to set the 6 address = 110
, the DIP-switches should be moved to: DIP3='ON', DIP2='ON', DIP1='OFF'.
2) Set the module function using DIP-switches 8..4 (8-MSB, 4-LSB). Possible values are 0 to 31 = 00000
to 11111
, but
only the first few functions are present (see description below).
3) Connect INT-RS module to INTEGRA LCD bus using 4-wire cable.
4) Enter the service mode, go to the Structure menu -> Hardware menu -> Identification menu -> LCD keypads id. function.
For more details refer to INTEGRA manuals.
Function 0
- DIP-switches 8..4 = 00000
The module RS-232 port acts as INT-KLCD keypad serial port. For details refer to INT-KLCD eng.pdf document.
Function 1
- DIP-switches 8..4 = 00001
The module is used by INTEGRA panel for the monitoring purposes. To activate monitoring through INT-RS module, set the
Mon.ETHM-1 option in panel service settings.
If the system contains ETHM-1 modules and INT-RS modules with function 1, setting the Mon.ETHM-1 option will allow to monitor
events only by one of these modules - the one with the lowest address (e.g. the system contains modules: ETHM-1 address 5, INT-RS
with function 0 address 1 and INT-RS with function 1 address 3 modules. Monitoring will be processed only through INT-RS with
function 1 address 3 module).
RS-232 serial port of INT-RS module is configured as 4800/8/1/N. The DB9-male connector on the PCB uses the following lines:
- RX
(pin 2) - serial input
- TX
(pin 3) - serial output
- DTR (pin 4) - output - active when INT-RS module has communication with INTEGRA
- GND (pin 5) - signal ground
(pin 6) - input - the module can use this signal only to generate 'No external device DTR signal' event
The GND lines between INT-RS module and external device must be tied together.
The RX and TX lines should be swapped.
The DTR and DSR lines should also be swapped, if they are used.
In INTEGRA service mode it can be set that INT-RS module does or does not generate 'No external device DTR signal' event. It can
also be set that INT-RS module does or does not check '?',#13 command (see below). If set, a monitoring trouble arises if external
device does not ask INT-RS with '?',#13 question for a time longer that 32 seconds.
Communication between INT-RS module and external device is arranged is such a way that external device should ask INT-RS
module to check if a new event is ready to be send to a monitoring station. All data are ASCII chars ended with CR char (#13 = 0x0D
byte). Data exchange is no time dependent.
Commands that INT-RS module understands:
- '?',#13
- a question if a new event is ready (2 bytes: 0x3F, 0x0D)
- '+',m,#13 - confirmation of sending event with marker m (3 bytes: 0x2B, m, 0x0D)
- '-',m,#13
- error sending event with marker m (3 bytes: 0x2D, m, 0x0D)
An answer is returned only on '?',#13 question. Possible answers are listed below:
- 'OK',#13
no new event to send
- 'EN=m,s,iiii,cc'#13
4/2 event to sent: m - event marker, s - monitoring station number ('1' or '2'),
iiii - event identifier, cc - event code
- 'EC=m,s,iiii,q,ccc,pp,nnn'#13
Contact ID event to send: s - monitoring station number ('1' or '2'), m - event
marker, iiii - event identifier, q and ccc - event code, pp - partition number,
nnn - source number
Events format and what events should be sent (4/2 or Contact ID) are to be set in INTEGRA service mode.
Event marker m is a char between 'a' and 'z'. The current event and its marker remain unchanged upon successive '?',#13 questions,
until the event is confirmed by '+',m,#13 command from the external device or if INTEGRA time-out occurs (75 seconds). The next
event, if ready, will be submitted by INT-RS module with succeeding value of marker m.
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