Quantum Composers 9500 Plus Series User Manual
Page 17

D E F d e f 3
G H I g h i 4
J K L j k l 5
M N O m n o 6
P Q R S p q r s 7
T U V t u v 8
W X Y Z w x y z 9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
. , # $ % & ?
- + * / space
Enabling System Output
The RUN/STOP key is used to arm the system. With the external trigger
disabled, the key will arm and start pulse output. With external trigger enabled,
the key will arm the pulse generator. Pulse output then starts after the first valid
trigger input. Pressing the RUN/STOP key a second time disables the pulse
Enable/Disable Channel Output
At the top of each channel menu page is a parameter to enable or disable the
output of the channel. Each channel may be individually enabled or disabled.
Rearming the Channel Timers
In the channel single shot mode and burst mode, the Channel Timers may be
rearmed after completing the initial output by pushing the Function key and RUN/
STOP key. If there are channels currently running in normal mode, single shot
and burst channels can be re-armed without affecting the timing on normal mode
channels by pressing function RUN/STOP.
Setting Pulse Timing Parameters
Pulses are defined by a delay, from their sync or start pulse to the active edge,
and a width.
Sets the width of the active portion of the pulse.
Sets the delay from the sync source to the start of the
NOTE: If Wid + Dly + 75ns (hardware reset time) > T
pulsewidth will be generated but at a slower rate.
Period, the correct
Setting Pulse Output Parameters
There are two types of output available on the 9500+: (a) TTL/CMOS compatible
high speed output; (b) adjustable amplitude output. The best system
performance, accuracy and jitter is achieved using the TTL/CMOS output. The
adjustable output has a 50 ohm drive impedance and will produce 2 - 20 volts