Stage 3, Pse “fc” flexible and “op” opti cam instructions, Draw length adjustment - pse “fc”- flexible cam – PSE Archery Bow 2012 User Manual

Page 11: Pse “fc”- flexible cam adjustments

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StaGE 3™:

DRaw LEnGth: The draw length is adjusted by placing the bow in an appropriate bow press

and relieving the tension from the string and cables. Move the string to the slot that

will shorten the effective length of the string to shorten the draw length by ½” per wheel. Move

the string to the slot that will lengthen the effective length of the string to lengthen

the draw of the bow by ½” per wheel.


The FC cam system and the OP cam system each consist of 2 cams with rotating inner-cams

for adjusting draw length. In addition, the cam design has two draw weight settings. In the

Fixed Peak Weight setting (see Figure 1) the peak draw weight stays the same regardless of

the draw length setting. In the Grow With You setting (see Figure 2) the peak draw weight

gets lighter as the draw length is adjusted shorter. The cable is easily pulled over the “Grow

with You” boss peg to make the adjustment from fixed peak weight to the “Grow with You”

setting- or back. No bow press is required for this adjustment.

DRaw LEnGth aDJUStmEnt - PSE “fC”- fLEXIBLE Cam:

The inner-cam has holes marked “A” through “J” for adjusting draw length (see Figure 3) as well

as a set of threaded holes marked “S” and “L”. The “L” holes are used for longer draw lengths

and the “S” holes are used for shorter draw lengths (see Figure 4). See the table for the setting

required to achieve different draw lengths and weight.
To make the necessary adjustment, remove the screw holding the inner-cam in place and rotate

the inner-cam so the letter setting desired lines up with the threaded “L” or “S” hole

in the cam. Replace and tighten the screw. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT BOTH TOP AND

BOTTOM CAMS BE ADJUSTED THE SAME. These adjustments can be made either with or

without a bow press.

These two rows of holes

are used to determine

draw length.

“Fixed Peak

Weight” boss peg

Cable is pulled over

the boss and placed

in the groove for fixed

weight settings

Figure 1

Figure 3


Figure 4

Figure 2

The “S” set of

threaded holes.

“Fixed Peak

Weight” boss


Cable is routed behind

the boss for “Grow with

You” settings

The “L” set of

threaded holes.