OnLine Power Battery Backup System User Manual
Page 5

OnLine Power
1.1. Construction of the OLP UPS General Topology
The UPS system is composed of input breakers, input filter, protection network,
rectifier, battery bank, inverter, static switch, bypass breaker, isolation transformer
and output filter. The basic topology is shown in the diagram above. Under normal
AC mode, energy from the AC source is converted to DC power and supplied to the
inverter and charge the batteries to their full capacity all the time; keeping them
ready to support the output load in case of AC source failure.
Although the principle operation of a UPS seems simple and straightforward, the
requirement for a reliable medical grade UPS makes the design and manufacturing
one requiring advanced technology, intelligence and experience with imaging
modality power requirements. Many years have been spent in designing the most
rugged, medical grade and reliable UPS for the market, as well as simple and safe
for the user.
Choosing the best and most suitable UPS for a given application can be easy or
difficult, depending on the client’s knowledge of key parameters. The most obvious
specification, output power, depends on the size of the load during peak power
demands place on the UPS. An allowance for peak imaging power demand has
been added to the present load requirement to assure the imaging modality and the
UPS are compatible.